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Australia is throwing its weight behind China’s efforts to pursue new trade deals in the Asia-Pacific region, amid a growing realisation that the US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement is dead in the wake of Donald Trump’s election victory.

澳大利亚对中国寻求在亚太地区达成新贸易协定的努力表示出了支持,原因是澳日益认识到,在唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)胜选后,美国主导的《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(TPP)已经告吹。

“Any move that reduces barriers to trade and helps us facilitate trade, facilitate exports and drive economic growth and employment is a step in the right direction,” Steven Ciobo, Australia’s trade minister, said on Wednesday.

澳大利亚贸易部长史蒂文•乔博(Steven Ciobo)周三表示:“任何降低贸易壁垒、有助于我们促进贸易、促进出口并推动经济增长和就业的举措,都是往正确方向迈出的一步。”

Mr Ciobo told the Financial Times that Canberra would work to conclude the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement — a trade bloc of 16 Asian and Pacific countries that excludes the US. He said Australia would also support a separate proposal, the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, which Beijing hopes to advance at this week’s Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation summit in Peru.

乔博向英国《金融时报》表示,澳大利亚政府会努力敲定拟议中的《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership,简称RCEP)。该协定涵盖不包括美国在内的16个亚太国家。乔博表示,澳大利亚还会支持另外一项名为亚太自由贸易区(Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific,简称FTAAP)的方案,中国政府希望在本周于秘鲁召开的亚太经合组织(APEC)峰会上推进该方案。

Mr Trump put opposition to the TPP, which the US and 11 other countries agreed to this year, at the heart of his presidential campaign and his election has all but killed the prospects of its ratification by the US Congress. This has offered Beijing, which was excluded from the pact, an opportunity to argue for faster adoption of the broader FTAAP, a move foreign policy analysts say would strengthen China’s influence in the region.


Australia’s decision to back China’s vision for free trade in the region comes amid soul-searching in Australia about the impact a Trump presidency will have on its long-established military and strategic alliance with Washington.


On Wednesday the opposition Labor party said Mr Trump’s election marked a “change point” requiring a careful consideration of Australia’s foreign policy and global interests. It is calling for more engagement with Australia’s Asian partners, although the party says the US-Australian alliance is bigger than any one person and will endure a Trump presidency.

周三,澳大利亚反对党工党(Labor Party)表示,特朗普的当选标志着一个“转折点”,澳政府有必要仔细考虑澳的对外政策和全球利益。工党呼吁澳大利亚加强与亚洲伙伴国的关系。不过该党表示,澳美同盟关系不会因某个人而改变,它在特朗普总统任期内会一直存在。

Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s prime minister, has reassured the public that the alliance will continue under Mr Trump. After telephoning the billionaire to congratulate him on his election victory, Mr Turnbull told reporters Mr Trump would view the world in “a very practical and pragmatic way”.

澳大利亚总理马尔科姆•特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)已向公众保证,澳美同盟在特朗普执政期间会继续存在。在打电话给这位亿万富翁、祝贺他赢得大选之后,特恩布尔告诉记者,特朗普会以“非常实际和务实的眼光”看待世界。

Australia’s military alliance with the US dates back to 1951 when both countries signed the ANZUS treaty, along with New Zealand. However, Australian troops have fought alongside US forces in every major military conflict since the second world war.


James Curran, a professor at Sydney University and author of a new book on the Australia-US alliance, said the elevation of Mr Trump to the White House would test the alliance but would survive his presidency.

著有关于澳美同盟的新作的悉尼大学(Sydney University)教授詹姆斯•柯伦(James Curran)表示,特朗普入主白宫将考验澳美同盟,但澳美同盟会熬过特朗普的总统任期。

“Labor's call for a rethink shows they might finally be rediscovering the foreign policy tradition of the Whitlam, Hawke and Keating era, which stressed greater freedom of movement for Australia within and at times without the alliance,” he said. “The apocalyptic view that the alliance will fall apart is alarmist.”

“工党呼吁重新思考,这表明该党终于再度发现高夫•惠特拉姆(Gough Whitlam)、鲍勃•霍克(Bob Hawke)和保罗•基廷(Paul Keating)时代的外交政策传统,这一传统强调澳大利亚在同盟之内,以及有时在同盟之外,应享有更大的行动自由,”他说:“那种认为同盟会分崩离析的悲观看法是危言耸听。”

Mr Ciobo said he would not comment on whether US failure to ratify the TPP would undermine Washington’s influence in the region. He said he had sought a bilateral meeting with the US trade representatives at the Apec meeting in Peru to advocate ratification of the TPP.


“Australia does not shy away from being an advocate about the multitude of benefits that flow from liberalising trade,” he said. “If the TPP does not come into effect it will mean there will be higher barriers to trade, which of course means you have a more subdued trading environment.”



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