That it is unsurprising does not mean it is wise. There is no doubt Chinese production, thanks to state-subsidised overcapacity, is pushing down the global price of steel. Yet the advanced countries should accept that putting up barriers simply disadvantages other industries and interrupts the vital global supply chains on which modern trading economies depend.
The EU’s probable change of policy is designed to sidestep a looming problem of whether China should be accorded “market economy status”, which would make it harder to impose antidumping or countervailing (anti-subsidy) duties on Chinese imports. When assessing such duties on a non-market economy, the EU is permitted to use costs from a supposedly analogous third country to calculate how big the penalties can be.
China argues — and many, though not all, trade lawyers agree — that it automatically acquires market economy status next month as part of the agreement when it joined the World Trade Organisation 15 years ago. Rather than decline to grant that designation and invite a WTO dispute, the EU Commission proposes abolishing the distinction between market and non-market economies and instead allowing the EU leeway to pick data to support its case.
中国主张并得到很多(尽管不是全部)贸易律师认同的是,作为15年前中国加入世贸组织(WTO)的协议的一部分,中国将在下月自动获得市场经济地位。欧盟委员会(European Commission)并未拒绝赋予中国市场经济地位进而引发WTO争端,而是提议废除市场经济与非市场经济的区别,让欧盟自由选择数据支撑其征税理由。
The result could well be the imposition of US-style antidumping tariffs reaching well above 100 per cent, and a consequent noticeable rise in the internal EU price of commodities such as steel. This is not a positive development. If EU countries want to build infrastructure or develop world-beating manufacturing companies, they will benefit from a cheaper domestic price of steel.
The more that global value chains snake around the world, finding the most efficient place to produce, the more that putting tariffs in the way disadvantages the economy that imposes the restrictions.
Economic change is wrenching, particularly for industries with regional concentration, but the future for developed economies lies with users, not producers, despite closures being savage blows to steel towns.
Whether or not this situation contributed significantly to president-elect Donald Trump’s election victory, the hollowing-out of basic manufacturing has created intense resentment among affected communities. But making it harder for new industries to emerge by increasing the price of basic commodities only delays the transition.
不管这种形势是否对美国当选总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的选举胜利做出了巨大贡献,基础制造业空心化都导致受影响社群产生了强烈的愤恨情绪。但通过提升基础大宗商品的价格加大新行业出现的难度,只会推迟转型。
The forces of protection within the EU have been growing in strength, and it was the recent conversion of Germany to the cause that will probably tip the balance. The UK has generally led the fight to restrain antidumping duties, despite domestic criticism over the threatened Port Talbot steel plant in Wales. With Britain leaving the EU, however, resistance is crumbling.
The new EU policy on antidumping and anti-subsidy duties is a bleak foreshadowing of a Europe in which the defenders of free trade are either switching sides, like Germany, or leaving the field, like the UK.
It may bring some short-term political relief to governments whose voters are complaining about globalisation. In the longer term, though, it will do nothing to build the kind of modern, profitable sectors that will lead European economic growth.