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FBI Director James Comey may be damaged goods in political terms. But he is not going anywhere — even if Hillary Clinton is elected president.

在政治上,美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯•科米(James Comey)或许已是“损坏的货物”(damaged goods),但他不会离职,即便希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)当选为总统。

Since notifying Congress that FBI agents were investigating newly discovered emails that could be relevant to its probe into Mrs Clinton’s private server, Mr Comey has been assailed by both Democrats and Republicans. He has been buffeted by a tempest in the bureau’s ranks, as some agents leaked to reporters their demand for more aggressive action. And he has even been rebuked by President Barack Obama.

自从他向国会报告FBI特工正在调查新发现的、可能与希拉里使用私人服务器一案有关的电子邮件,科米就同时遭到了民主党人和共和党人的抨击。他在FBI内部也饱受诟病,一些特工向媒体记者透露,他们主张采取更强硬的行动。他甚至受到了美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的指责。

“It’s been a pretty tough week for the FBI,” says David Gomez, who spent 28 years with the bureau before retiring five years ago.

“对FBI来说,这是相当艰难的一周,”戴维•戈麦斯(David Gomez)表示,他在FBI工作了28年,于5年前退休。

No matter who wins Tuesday’s presidential election, Mr Comey faces twin challenges in the coming months. He must repair his own standing, which has been badly dented by political skirmishing over his handling of the email investigation, and restore the bureau’s non-partisan standing.


“The FBI director’s personal reputation is not what it was a year ago,” says Benjamin Wittes, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, a Comey fan. “A lot of people who had confidence in him last week do not have confidence today.”

“这位FBI局长的个人声誉不比一年前了,”科米的粉丝、布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)高级研究员本杰明•威特斯(Benjamin Wittes)称,“很多上周还信任他的人如今已经对他失去信心了。”

Both presidential candidates have had tough words for the director, who is said to be committed to completing his 10-year term, which lasts until 2023. Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, said in July that Mr Comey’s decision to recommend no prosecution of Mrs Clinton over her emails was evidence of a “rigged” system.

两位总统候选人都对科米说过难听的话。据悉科米决心完成10年任期,干到2023年。共和党总统候选人唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)7月时表示,科米做出关于建议不就邮件门起诉希拉里的决定,就是制度受到“操纵”的证据。

But the FBI director’s challenge would be especially acute in a Clinton administration. He could find himself serving under a president whose White House bid he nearly derailed.


The new president will inherit an FBI that is embroiled in politics to an unusual degree. Disclosing confidential details of an investigation is considered a firing offence in the FBI. Yet since Mr Comey’s letter to Congress became public last week, normally tight-lipped FBI agents have been the source of press reports detailing alleged misdeeds by the Clintons, wounding the Democratic candidate.


One Fox News report, quoting FBI sources, said an indictment was likely to result from an investigation of the Clinton Foundation. Fox later retracted the report.

福克斯新闻(Fox News)的一则报道援引FBI内部人士提供的消息称,对克林顿基金会的一项调查可能会引发起诉。福克斯随后撤回了这则报道。

On Friday, John Conyers and Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrats on the House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform committees, wrote to the Department of Justice inspector general requesting an investigation of “unauthorised and inaccurate leaks from within the FBI”.

上周五,美国众议院司法委员会和众议院监管与政府改革委员会中最资深的民主党议员约翰•科尼尔斯(John Conyers)和埃里耶•卡明斯(Elijah Cummings)致信司法部督察长,要求对“FBI内部未经授权和不准确的泄漏消息行为”发起调查。

The letter came hours after former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani told Fox that he had learnt of Mr Comey’s October 28 congressional notification days earlier. Mr Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor, said he had been tipped off by his contacts among retired agents.

就在他们发出此信的几个小时前,纽约市长鲁道夫•朱利安尼(Rudolph Giuliani)告诉福克斯,科米在10月28日知会国会的事,他前几天就知道了。曾任联邦检察官的朱利安尼表示,他在退役特工中的熟人向他报了信。

“There’s a revolution going on inside the FBI and it’s now at a boiling point,” Mr Giuliani said on Fox.


Law enforcement professionals, like members of the US military, generally tilt Republican in their politics. And there is widespread antipathy among FBI agents toward the Clintons and their charitable foundation, which Mr Trump describes as a “pay-for-play” operation blurring the former secretary of state’s public and private roles.


Inside the bureau, many agents regard the Clintons as akin to an organised crime family, said one former agent. “They’re always in the grey area,” this retired agent said. But others disputed reports that the FBI is almost uniformly pro-Trump.


“That’s not true,” said Mr Gomez, who once headed the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Washington State. “In Seattle, the agent population is split about 50/50. There are plenty of Clinton supporters in the office and plenty of Trump supporters.”


Former FBI Director Louis Freeh once wrote that he spent most of his eight years running the bureau investigating his boss, President Bill Clinton. Freeh presided over probes into the Whitewater real estate deal and the president’s sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

FBI前局长路易斯•弗里(Louis Freeh)曾写道,在执掌FBI的8年里,他大部分时间在调查自己的老板、时任总统的比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)。有关白水(Whitewater)房地产交易的调查以及对总统与白宫实习生莫妮卡•莱温斯基(Monica Lewinsky)性关系的调查都是弗里负责的。

If a second President Clinton takes office in January, the nation could witness another tense relationship. Ron Hosko, who retired in 2014 after a 30-year FBI career, says several field offices are scrutinising various elements of the Clinton Foundation’s activities. And Mr Comey ultimately will have to evaluate their efforts.

如果第二位克林顿总统在明年1月就职,美国人民可能再次目睹总统与FBI关系紧张。在FBI干了30年的罗恩•霍斯科(Ron Hosko)表示,FBI的几个部门正从各个方面调查克林顿基金会的活动。科米最终必须评估他们的调查结果。

“He recognises he has work to do — Clinton Foundation work,” said Mr Hosko, who retired in 2014 as assistant director of the criminal investigative division. “Next Wednesday, they ought to be off to the races.”



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