China’s local pension funds will launch a first wave of investment in the domestic stock market by the end of this year to try to lift returns before an ageing population becomes a drain on regional finances.
The government has unveiled an ambitious scheme that could help local authorities counter record-low interest rates and reduce the Chinese equity market’s volatility.
The human resources ministry said that a number of local governments had transferred assets to the National Social Security Fund, where managers have broader latitude to invest in riskier assets, including up to 40 per cent in equities and stock funds.
This first wave will release between Rmb200bn-Rmb400bn ($30bn-$60bn) to be invested, according to analysts briefed on the details.
The government started drawing up plans for such transfers to the NSSF in June last year, amid investor panic that burst a Chinese stock market bubble.
The expansion of the NSSF, which held Rmb1.9tn of assets in 2015, will increase its power in the domestic stock market, diminishing the influence of the army of retail investors and potentially creating a more stable flow of funds into stocks. If all provinces join the fund, that would mean up to Rmb2tn more could flow into equities.
“In theory, it’s a good thing to do and should increase returns,” said Stuart Leckie, Stirling Finance chairman, who has advised the government on pension reform. “But it was primarily done to support the stock market. They’re doing something good for the wrong reasons.”
“理论上这是一件好事,应该有助于提高回报,”向中国政府提供养老金改革咨询的Stirling Finance公司的董事长李仕达(Stuart Leckie)表示,“但此举主要是为了支持股市。他们正在出于错误的动机做正确的事。”
The Rmb5tn state pension funds managed by local governments are restricted to investing in safe assets such as bank deposits and government bonds. But these assets have had such low returns that local governments’ pension funds shrank in real terms over the past decade, at a time when more and more are nearing retirement.
Guangdong was the first province to entrust Rmb100bn of its pension assets to the NSSF in a pilot in 2012. The government did not disclose details of which local authorities are taking part in the first tranche.
China’s old-age dependency ratio — the ratio of over 65s to those of working age — is set to double to 30 per cent by 2030: much faster than the rate of ageing for the world as a whole, according to the UN Population Division.
根据联合国人口司(UN Population Division)的推算,到2030年,中国的老年抚养比(65岁以上人口与工作年龄人口之比)将翻一番,达到30%:这个老龄化速度远远高于世界整体水平。
The NSSF has achieved an average nominal return of nearly 9 per cent per year over the past 15 years, which it boasts matches the performance of the more experienced Canada Pension Plan Investment Board. The NSSF was set up in 2000 in anticipation that struggling provinces in the north-east rust-belt would need help to meet their pension commitments.
Some economists believe the reforms are not enough to secure pensioners’ livelihoods. “I no longer think the Chinese system can be reformed,” said Peter Diamond, a Nobel Prize winner in economics who co-authored a book on Chinese pension reform. “It must be taken apart and built back from the ground up.”
一些经济学家认为,这些改革不足以保障养老金领取者的生计。“我不再认为中国的体制可以改革,”诺贝尔经济学奖得主、曾就中国养老金改革与人合著一本书的彼得•戴蒙德(Peter Diamond)表示,“它必须被拆解开,然后从头开始重建。”
“This is the first time we’ve seen a country this size go through a demographic transition so quickly,” said Wen Tan of Aberdeen Asset Management. “There will need to be government injections at some point.”
“这是我们第一次看到如此规模的国家经历这么快的人口结构转变,”安本资产管理公司(Aberdeen Asset Management)的Wen Tan表示,“在某个时点将会需要政府注资。”