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On a single day last month, capitalism as we know it took a triple blow from some unlikely sources. Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, and Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, all decried a system they claimed had neglected the security of its weakest members.

在上月的某一天里,我们所认知的资本主义受到了令人意想不到的三位人士的抨击。欧洲央行(ECB)行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)、国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁克里斯蒂娜•拉加德(Christine Lagarde)以及欧洲理事会(European Council)主席唐纳德•图斯克(Donald Tusk)全都谴责资本主义制度,他们宣称资本主义忽视了最弱势的社会成员的安全。

That these three prominent champions of economic liberalism — all of whom work for institutions seen as part of an out-of-touch elite — are now critiquing capitalism is a reaction to the political mood of 2016. This mood has led the UK to turn its back on the EU and to a broader rise of anti-globalisation political movements around the world — notably in the US, where Donald Trump has put protectionism at the heart of his presidential campaign.

这三位经济自由主义的杰出捍卫者——他们所工作的机构都被视为隶属于高高在上的精英阶层——如今正在批评资本主义,这是对2016年政治情绪所做出的反应。这种情绪导致英国选择脱离欧盟,并使得“反全球化”政治运动在全球范围内更为广泛的兴起,特别是在美国,唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)把保护主义作为其竞选的核心纲领。

For the first time since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the system Mr Draghi and his peers helped build is under threat. Those in power, and large swaths of the electorate, are fearful of what could follow.


The Corruption of Capitalism helps explain why we are where we are. The author, Guy Standing, is a professor at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies — an institution known for its opposition to the promotion of “liberalism” that has characterised mainstream economic thought.

《资本主义的衰败》(The Corruption of Capitalism)帮助解释了我们为何会面临现在这种状况。作者是伦敦大学(University of London)东方与非洲研究学院(School of Oriental and African Studies)的教授盖伊•斯坦丁(Guy Standing)。该学院以反对宣扬“自由主义”——主流经济思想的特征——而闻名。

While the his perspective is leftwing, many of the author’s ideas for fixing he author has to fix the system — such as a universal basic income, where all citizens receive regular payments from the state whether or not they work — are receiving more attention from the mainstream. The result is a timely book, which though flawed in parts isin others a compelling read.


Standing explains how capitalism has been corrupted as the security of the many has been weakened to embolden strengthen the position of those who hold the bulk of society’s wealth. Today, he explains, we have a rigged system that leaves those without much property with few rights.


He borrows from John Maynard Keynes’ critique of the rentier class — broadly, those who live on income from property, including patents and copyright, and investments. And like Keynes, he wants to see the euthanasia end of the rentier on the grounds that the system they have created is both inefficient and grossly unfair. Those at the bottom of the many he Standing calls the precariat — the class of workers most exposed to the insecurity produced bytypical of this era of rentier capitalism driven by globalisation, has produced.

他借用了约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)对食利阶层的批评——大体上这是指那些依靠财产(包括专利和著作权)及投资所产生的收益生活的人。与凯恩斯一样,他希望看到食利阶层“终结”,原因是他们创建的体系既没有效率,又极其不公平。斯坦丁将那些处于底层的人称为“无保障无产阶级”(precariat),这是指在全球化造就的食利资本主义时代典型的最没有安全保障的劳动者。

The book is divided into chapters looking at the various ways in which the interests of the rentier class have been promoted to the detriment of the rest. There are weaknesses in some of the arguments.


For the author, the autonomy of central banks to set monetary policy as they see fit as they see fit highlights how little control normal most people have over the forces of finance. Yet he neglects to mention that one of the reasons independence was granted was because is the fact that government control over interest rates had led to double-digit inflation across in advanced economies. The experience of rampant inflation in the 1970s and early 1980s. Racing price rises — and the high interest rates needed to bring them under control — had the most vicious effect on society’s most vulnerable. But on the gross unfairness of housing policy in the UK, one of the more egregious examples of the power of the rentier, Standing’s the arguments resonate.


It is on labour conditions in the era of dark Satanic apps, where data are used to monitor and control a workforce that has little in thewith little by way of employment rights, that Standing — a former employee of the International Labour Organization — the author is at his most prescient.


Towards the end of the book, Standing, a former employee of the International Labour Organization, writes that the precariat’s vulnerability today is everyone’s tomorrow. On that he is surely right.

斯坦丁曾经在国际劳工组织(International Labour Organization)任职,他在该书结尾处写道,无保障无产阶级脆弱的今天就是所有人的明天。就这一点来说,他无疑是正确的。

As even those who helped create it acknowledge, the system as it stands cannot last. While Mr Draghi and Ms Lagarde may feel uneasy about the crushing of the rentier class, At the AUTUMN’S International Monetary Fund’sMF’s October meeting all the talk was of a more inclusive system.


One hopes that some of what Standing writes is heeded and the system can be reformed in favour of the many before it is too late.


While a book such as this is perhaps not quite the right place to stress the benefits of capitalism, one only need to look at some of the political forces now on the rise to see that much worse systems could exist than that we now have.



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