Donald Trump said fresh allegations he had groped or made unwelcome sexual advances towards women are a “total fabrication” and claimed to have proof of their falsehood that he would release.
唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)表示,有关他曾猥亵妇女或对妇女做出对方不愿接受的挑逗行为的新指控“纯属捏造”,并声称拥有这些指控虚假的证据,并将予以公开。
The accusations, made by several women who recounted incidents stretching over three decades, have come amid mounting scrutiny of the Republican presidential candidate’s personal life, which continued to damage his standing in opinion surveys.
“These events never, ever happened,” Mr Trump said at a campaign rally in West Palm Beach, Florida. “The claims are preposterous, ludicrous and defy truth, common sense and logic.
“ 特朗普在佛罗里达西棕榈滩(West Palm Beach)的一个竞选集会上表示:“这些事件压根就没发生过。这些指控荒谬、可笑且违背事实、常识和逻辑。”
The couterattacks by Mr Trump appeared to be part of a concerted effort by the New York real estate developer to take off “the shackles” and abandon his more constrained campaign style, which had seen him gain in the polls against Democrat Hillary Clinton.
特朗普的反击似乎是这位纽约地产商协调努力的一部分,目的是卸下“枷锁”,放弃更为克制的选战风格,而克制的选战风格曾使他的民调支持率相对民主党人(Democrat)希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)上升。
New polling from battleground states showed Mr Trump nine points behind rival Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania in a Bloomberg poll and 2 points behind the Democrat in North Carolina, a southern state where he recently led.
“The five point swing is due to . . . a Trump decline among independents,” said David Paleologos, who conducted the North Carolina poll for Suffolk University. “[Mrs Clinton] appears to have benefited from the fallout over Trump’s lewd comments about women.”
为萨福克大学(Suffolk University)主持这次北卡罗来纳州民调的戴维•帕莱奥洛戈斯(David Paleologos)表示:“出现5点的摆动是由于……特朗普在独立选民中的支持率下滑。(希拉里)似乎受益于特朗普对妇女下流言论的冲击波。”
At the Florida rally, Mr Trump said the new allegations were part of a media campaign to support the political elites. 在佛罗里达州的集会上,特朗普表示,对他的新指控是为支持政治精英人士而开展的媒体造势的一部分。
“For them, nothing at all is out of bounds,” he said. “They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and your family.”
The candidate also took to Twitter to attack stories in The New York Times and People magazine with allegations from three women who claimed he touched them inappropriately or tried to kiss them against their will.
这位候选人还借助Twitter网站,对《纽约时报》(The New York Times)和《人民》(People)杂志的有关报道发起抨击。这些报道包括了来自三名妇女的指控,她们声称曾遭特朗普以不当方式抚摸或试图违背她们的意愿亲吻她们。
The allegations extended a two-week run of controversy for Mr Trump. He had been in a tight race with Mrs Clinton in mid-September, but has fallen behind after a shaky first debate performance and the release of an 11-year old video in which he brags about groping women.
These allegations appeared to contradict his assertion in the second presidential debate that “I have not” kissed women without consent or groped them.