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The boom was on.


Little Port Hedland became one of the biggest ports in the world, handling a greater tonnage of freight each year than the ports of Los Angeles, Hong Kong or Antwerp, Belgium. Skilled welders and electricians earned as much as $350,000 a year, drawing workers from around the country. The town’s population doubled, to a peak of about 30,000, and would have increased a lot more except that a dispute over Aboriginal claims to land on the city’s outskirts blocked construction and resulted in a housing shortage.


Much of the high pay came from overtime, or what became known as “divorce rosters” or “suicide rosters.” Mining companies flew workers into remote camps to work 27 days with a single day off in the middle, then flew them home again. Welders in their “high-viz” — reflective, high-visibility yellow mining shirts — spent months drenched in sweat as they labored outside through long summers in coastal desert heat reaching 110 degrees.


All that overtime pay pushed prices to stratospheric levels. Port Hedland’s bakery, butcher, newsstand, charter fishing operator and scuba-diving shop all closed, unable to cope with soaring rents and locals who would rather work for mining companies than the shops.


Ray Sampson, the owner of a local diner, paid $1,600 a week to rent a small house for his out-of-town cooks and waitresses. With his diner packed daily, he then had to rent a second small house, for $1,800 a week, to house more workers, mostly hitchhikers who drifted through town for a few weeks and were the only people willing to accept jobs as cooks and waiters.

当地一家小餐馆的老板雷·桑普森(Ray Sampson)以每周1600美元的租金租下一栋小屋,供他从市外聘来的厨师和女服务员住宿。因为餐馆每天爆满,他又以每周1800的租金租了第二栋小屋,好容纳新增的员工。他们大多是途径这里、短暂停留几周的背包客,也是唯一愿意接受厨师和服务员这类工作的人。

Real estate prices and rents took off. Affluent families from elsewhere in Australia and from mainland China, Malaysia and Singapore heard about the profits from charging four-digit weekly rents and swooped in to invest.


Lorren Murphy, a convenience store owner from Perth, flew up to Port Hedland four years ago and paid almost $2 million for a two-story house. He quickly signed a two-year lease with a tenant willing to pay $4,100 a week — nearly $18,000 a month.

珀斯一家便利店的老板洛林·墨菲(Lorren Murphy)在四年前飞到黑德兰港,花了近200万美元买下一栋两层楼房。他很快便签了一份为期两年的租约,租户愿意每周支付4100美元,也就是说每月近1.8万美元。

He was envious of others who had even more money to invest, because it seemed like a sure bet. “I’ve got a friend who dropped $6 million here,” Mr. Murphy recalled.


The town finally replaced its prefabricated hospital and added a swimming center, an air-conditioned basketball arena, a new courthouse, a skateboard park and more. Outside Port Hedland, the state government in Perth spent on hospitals, new power lines and water systems and a $1 billion Australian football stadium.


But 4,000 miles away, trouble was brewing. China’s debt-choked developers were starting fewer buildings. Steel use fell 3 percent in 2014 and an additional 5 percent in 2015, even as more steel mills were being built in anticipation of never-ending growth. Manufacturers were becoming more cautious about putting up more factories.


The Collapse


“This is a bigger bust than anyone ever saw.”


Nearly 200 miles south of Port Hedland, the Iron Valley iron ore mine squats in a red desert of drought-stunted eucalyptus trees and maroon cliffs.


Kim Sheppard, the general manager until he moved to a different position last month, climbed the staircase of a three-story yellow apparatus coated with reddish-pink grime that clanged as it crushed and sorted iron ore into small pebbles. The highly automated operation requires only four workers and a supervisor for each work shift, as well as a few mechanics, blasting specialists and managers at an air-conditioned building nearby. At the peak of construction, a couple of hundred workers labored here.

之前担任矿场总经理的金·谢泼德(Kim Sheppard)沿着一座三层的黄色设备的阶梯往上走。他在上个月转到了别的岗位。这个设备落了一层粉色的矿尘,在压碎铁矿石和将之分拣成小块时发出铿锵之声。这里的作业高度自动化,每班只需四名工人和一名监工,还有几名技工、爆破专家和经理在旁边一座有空调的楼内呆着。在生产的高峰期,曾经有几百名工人在这里劳作。

The desert around the site used to be dotted with large camps of workers, building more mines. Now the desert is empty.


“There are always booms and busts,” Mr. Sheppard said. “But this one is different.”


Port Hedland felt the pain quickly. Iron ore prices plummeted. Worried that workers might get angry and damage multimillion-dollar equipment, mining companies laid off tens of thousands of construction workers.


“One day they just called in the trucks for lunch, and they said, ‘Bring in your backpacks,’ which was unheard-of,” said Shannon Baker, a former power shovel operator at a mine near Iron Valley. “They got us together in the crew room and they said, ‘The planes are at the airport to take you out.’”

“那天他们说是喊卡车司机进来吃午饭,结果却说,‘拿上你们的背包,’这在以前是没有过的,”曾在铁谷附近一座矿场开挖土机的香农·贝克(Shannon Baker)说。“他们把我们集中在员工室,然后说,‘机场有飞机会带你们走。’”

Rents and housing prices have fallen by three-quarters, said Jim Henneberry, the owner of one of Port Hedland’s biggest real estate brokerage firms. A fifth of the town’s homes sit empty.

黑德兰港一家大型房地产经纪公司的所有者吉姆·亨内伯里(Jim Henneberry)说,房租和房价已经下降了四分之三。镇上五分之一的房子处于空置状态。

Bill Dziombak spent $1 million apiece to build luxury townhouses here, only to see rents and prices collapse. “I never expected this to go bang the way it did, in just 12 months,” he said. “It was like falling off the edge of a cliff.”

比尔·齐奥姆巴克(Bill Dziombak)以每栋100万美元的造价在这里修建了联排别墅,却眼瞅着房租和房价崩了盘。“无论如何也想不到,仅仅12个月里,事情就这样突然发生了,”他说。“就好像从悬崖边掉了下去。”

Customers at Camilo Blanco’s car repair garage no longer need reservations. “I’ve had customers coming in and saying, ‘This is the last time I’ll see you, because I have to leave town,’” said Mr. Blanco, who is also Port Hedland’s acting mayor.

卡米洛·布兰科(Camilo Blanco)经营的汽车修理厂的顾客不再需要预约。“曾有顾客走进来说,‘这是最后一次见面了,因为我不得不离开这里,’”兼任黑德兰港代理市长的布兰科说。

Departing miners have sold so many used power boats, muscle cars and dune buggies that the local market is glutted. Mr. Blanco was recently offered an options-laden $14,000 Rhino dune buggy for half that price, and he still bargained: “I said, ‘I’ll pay you five grand for it,’ and it’s sitting in my yard now.”


Local leaders who spent heavily during the boom times are now under pressure to cut real estate taxes, which in many cases are still based on eye-wateringly high property values. Simply operating Port Hedland’s new basketball arena costs $2 million a year, or 3 percent of the city’s annual budget.


“It’s like surfing,” said Colin Barnett, the premier of Western Australia state, in an interview in Perth. “When the wave comes, you’ve got to catch it and you’ve got to ride it hard and get everything out of it. When the wave’s not there, you’ve got to paddle hard, and we’re paddling hard at the moment.”

“这就像冲浪,”西澳大利亚州州长科林·巴尼特(Colin Barnett)在珀斯接受采访时说。“浪来了,你得把握住机会,奋力乘浪而行,利用好它带给你的一切。浪走了,你就得奋力划水,我们当下就是在奋力划水。”

Chinese Investment 2.0


Even in the middle of the worst of the mining slump, Australia has found a potential source of strength, again from China: people like Ike Wang.

即便采矿业出现了最严重的滑坡,澳大利亚还是发现了经济增长的潜在源泉,这次依然来自中国那里,也就是艾克·王(Ike Wang)这类人。

Mr. Wang, 24, graduated last year from Murdoch University in Perth, where he was one of hundreds of students from mainland China. He is looking for a full-time job in marketing and, despite Western Australia’s slowdown, he has an advantage: His family back in Tianjin, China, paid $370,000 at the start of this year to buy him a two-bedroom apartment.

现年24岁的艾克·王去年毕业于珀斯的莫道克大学(Murdoch University),该校有成百上千名像他这样来自中国大陆的学生。他正寻找市场营销方面的全职工作,尽管西澳大利亚州经济增长放缓,但他有一个优势:他在中国天津的家人于今年年初花37万美元为他买下了一套带有两间卧室的公寓。

The 13th-floor apartment, with white walls and a white carpet, is nearly empty of furniture. But it has a good view over the city and what seems like solid workmanship. (Coincidentally, Mr. Meadowcroft did some of the plumbing for the complex.)


The apartment gives Mr. Wang a free place to live while he decides his next move. “I like that it’s a new apartment,” he said. “Everything is new and clean.”


Real estate developers say that they see a lot of Chinese families eager to buy homes in Australia. “I think the investment return is the No. 2 concern — it’s about getting money somewhere that is stable and safe, it’s about getting the money out” of China, said Paul Blackburne, a developer of numerous Perth apartment complexes.

房地产开发商称,他们发现很多中国家庭急于在澳大利亚买房。在珀斯开发了大量公寓楼的保罗·布莱克本(Paul Blackburne)说,“我认为投资回报是次要关注点——他们的首要目标是把钱放在某个稳定安全的地方,是把钱转出”中国。

As in the United States, low interest rates have also fanned demand for houses and apartments from local buyers. Australian government data shows that it approved $18.2 billion in Chinese real estate investments in the year that ended June 30, 2015, twice as much as the year before, and more than triple the total last year for the United States, which was the second-largest overseas investor. And developers say that a lot more Chinese money is quietly flowing into Australian real estate without government approvals.


Port Hedland and the entire state of Western Australia face budget problems. The state has begun moving to sell a 50-year lease on the Utah Point berth, possibly to a Chinese buyer, despite objections from smaller companies like Mineral Resources, which owns the low-cost Iron Valley mine and cannot use the other docks because they are controlled by giant rivals like BHP. (Mr. Meadowcroft coincidentally helped build the Utah Point berth as well.)

黑德兰港乃至整个西澳大利亚州都面临着预算问题。该州已经着手出售为期50年的犹他点泊位租约,买家有可能来自中国,尽管矿产资源(Mineral Resources)等规模较小的公司纷纷表示反对。该公司拥有成本低廉的铁谷铁矿场,却不能使用其他码头,因为它们都受控于必和必拓等规模庞大的竞争对手。(梅多克罗夫特恰巧也参与修建了犹他点泊位。)

But unemployment has barely risen in Port Hedland or in Western Australia over all. Some, like Mr. Meadowcroft, found jobs in Perth. Many moved east to Sydney and Melbourne to work in the construction sector there.


One worry in Australia is whether the country is now on an economic trajectory similar to that of the United States a decade earlier. Australia’s central bank warned in April that if Chinese demand faltered, Australia’s real estate market could suffer and the country’s banking system, heavily exposed to home mortgages, could be harmed.


But for now, Chinese money is still flowing. Many miners who squandered their earnings during the iron ore boom are now trying to catch up in construction jobs. But many others socked away their money from the boom and have used those savings to buy homes or start small businesses.


“They were micro-entrepreneurs,” said Tom Barratt, a University of Western Australia doctoral student who is doing his thesis on labor markets in the Pilbara hills.

“他们是小微创业者,”西澳大学的博士生汤姆·巴勒特(Tom Barratt)说。他在写一篇关于皮尔巴拉(Pilbara)山丘地区劳动力市场的论文。

Mr. Meadowcroft is among those savers. He bought a house and soon paid off most of the mortgage. He also married his longtime girlfriend after years of commuting to far-flung mines and ports, and is now raising two children as he learns to be a plumber.


Although his savings account is much smaller now, he has no regrets about the boom years. “That was 12 years of really hard work,” he said, “to achieve what a lot of people don’t achieve in their whole lives.”



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