The wonderful thing about elections is they end with a decision. The divisions remain. But for the time being the question of who governs is settled. This year’s US presidential election is on course to be an exception. Even if Hillary Clinton wins the US electoral college by a big margin, hers would be the most grudging landslide in history.
选举的好处在于最终会分出胜负。分歧仍然存在。但就目前而言,由谁执政的问题已经解决。今年的美国总统大选即将成为一个例外。即便希拉里•克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在选举人团投票中以巨大优势胜出,这也将是历史上最勉强的压倒性多数。
A large chunk of Americans will be receptive to Donald Trump’s claim that the result was rigged. Many of Mrs Clinton’s voters will have backed her only reluctantly on the grounds that anything would be better than Mr Trump. She will enjoy no honeymoon. Speculation about a one-term presidency will begin almost as soon as she takes office.
很多美国人会接受唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的说法:大选结果受到操纵。支持希拉里的很多选民只会不情愿地支持她,因为什么都比特朗普当选总统强。她将不享有“蜜月期”。她几乎一上任就要面临她只会当一任总统的猜测。
Anyone who doubts this should remember President Barack Obama’s fate. Now on the home stretch to retirement, Mr Obama he has spent the past six years failing to persuade a hostile Congress to act. From annual budgets to early-learning legislation, almost all of his efforts have come to naught. His biggest legacies — healthcare reform and Wall Street regulation — came within his first two years, when he had a Democratic majority. Even now Republicans vow to repeal both laws at the first opportunity. This year, Mr Obama has been unable even to push through emergency help for areas affected by the Zika virus and a modest tightening of gun safety checks following a series of massacres. That is without facing re-election. What chance would Mrs Clinton have?
任何质疑这点的人应记住美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的命运。如今总统任期已近尾声的奥巴马,在过去6年一直未能说服对他有敌意的国会采取行动。从年度预算到早教立法,他的几乎所有努力都毫无结果。他最重要的遗产(医疗改革和华尔街监管)都是在他任期的头两年实现的,当时民主党占国会多数席位。尽管这两件事已订立为法律,共和党人仍发誓一有机会就会废除这两部法律。今年,奥巴马甚至无法促使国会同意对寨卡病毒(Zika)肆虐的地区实施紧急援助或是在一系列屠杀事件后略微收紧枪支安全管制。这还是在不面临竞选连任压力的情况下。希拉里能有多大机会呢?
The answer depends on two things. The first is whether Democrats can regain control of Congress in November. There is a good chance they can recapture a thin Senate majority — somewhere around 51 seats to 49. But taking the House of Representatives is a taller order. The chances that Democrats can regain both chambers, a prerequisite for governing in today’s climate, are thus slim.
The second is how Republicans interpreted a defeat for Mr Trump. Would they recognise the time had finally come to turn the party into a demographic big tent? If so, Mrs Clinton may be able to find enough middle ground to push through big changes, such as tax reform and an immigration overhaul. Or would the hardline conservatives, led by Ted Cruz, the Texan senator who gave Mr Trump the biggest run for his money in the primaries, see a chance to resume Tea Party-era congressional brinkmanship? In that case, Mrs Clinton’s agenda would stand little chance of daylight.
其次是共和党人如何解读特朗普的失败。他们会不会承认将该党变成一个“人口大帐篷”(big tent)的时刻已终于来临?如果是这样的话,希拉里或许能够找到足够多的中间地带推行大规模改革,例如税收改革和移民改革。抑或以特德•克鲁兹(Ted Cruz,这位德克萨斯州参议员在共和党初选中是特朗普的劲敌)为首的强硬保守派会不会看到复活茶党(Tea Party)时代国会边缘政策的机会?在这种情况下,希拉里的议程将很难有见光的机会。
My money would be on the latter. To be sure, a big Trump defeat would embolden pragmatic Republicans to warn about their party’s fate in California, which is now in a permanent minority in a state with a non-white majority.
California’s present is America’s future. What happened there could prefigure the national Republican party’s decline. But that is the point reformers made after the party’s last defeat in 2012, when they urged it to cease the intolerant rhetoric about gay people and women’s reproductive rights and extend an olive branch to Hispanic Americans. The party’s grass roots was obviously unswayed by the autopsy since it nominated Mr Trump.
It is hard to see how Republican pragmatists would be able to convince an embittered Trump base, which believed Mrs Clinton had stolen the election, to abandon its strongest beliefs. Mr Cruz, on the other hand, is too clever a politician to ask them to do that. A Trump defeat would sharply improve his chances of winning his party’s crown in 2020. For anyone who is sick of America’s permanent election, I have some discouraging news: it really is permanent. The next cycle has already begun. The opening shot was at Mr Trump’s convention in Cleveland, in which Mr Cruz refused to endorse the Republican nominee. Instead he urged an almost unanimously booing hall to “vote your conscience” in November.
Mr Cruz’s non-endorsement of Mr Trump was dramatic political theatre. With the hindsight of a Trump defeat, it will start to look prescient — even courageous — just as Mr Cruz intended. Mr Cruz has a head-start on his potentially biggest rival, Paul Ryan, speaker of the House of Representatives, whose timid attempts at legislative compromise with Democrats have caused him to lose his halo among conservatives.
克鲁兹不为特朗普背书是一出戏剧性的政治秀。等特朗普败选后,人们回过头来看这件事,会认为此举颇具先见之明、甚至颇具勇气——正如克鲁兹所愿。相比最大的潜在对手——众议院议长保罗•瑞安(Paul Ryan),克鲁兹占得先机。瑞安在与民主党人的立法妥协上谨小慎微的尝试,使得他在保守派中间失去了光环。
Mr Cruz will also have an edge on Marco Rubio, the Florida senator, whose chances of re-election in November are touch and go.
克鲁兹相比佛罗里达州参议员马尔科•鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)也拥有优势,后者能否在11月获得连任面临极大不确定性。
Either way, the contest is in motion. Being nice to Mrs Clinton will be held up as a disqualification. Blocking her initiatives will be seen as a credential. By large margins Republican voters say Mrs Clinton is dishonest — as do a minority of Democrats.
In time all political trends come to an end. Unfortunately for Mrs Clinton, America’s deep polarisation — and the breakdown of the Republican party — has yet to run its course. Mr Trump’s nomination has probably extended the agony. Since he has adopted unorthodox positions, including support for current levels of entitlement social security and Medicare spending, conservatives will be able to say: “I told you so: we strayed from our principles by nominating an immoral big spender from New York.”
That will be Mr Cruz’s pitch. It will also be Mrs Clinton’s bane. Whether she wins small or big, she will inherit a poisoned well.