Industrial profits at large firms in China grew 4.2 percent year-on-year in April, more than halving from aMarch reading of 11.1 per cent and pulling year-to-date growth down by nearly 1 percentage point to6.5 per cent, according to the National Bureau ofStatistics.
根据中国国家统计局(National Bureau of Statistics)的数据,4月份规模以上工业企业实现利润同比增长4.2%,比3月份11.1%的增幅下跌了一半以上,将1月到4月实现利润的同比增长幅度拖累近1个百分点至6.5%。
Profits at state-controlled firms were a clear drag on the headline rate, dropping 7.8 per centyear-on-year for the year to date, whereas private firms saw profit growth of 8.4 per cent andforeign-owned firms’ profits rose 7.3 per cent.
In an explanation released alongside the latest figures the statistics bureau highlighted therelative gains for the year to date before acknowledging growth had cooled markedly in April. Itgave four main reasons for the fall-back:
Slowing profit growth from primary operations, down 2.6 percentage points year-on-year fromthe previous month to 2 per cent.
A significant reversal by investment returns, from 20.4 per cent year-on-year in March to -19.8per cent in April.
Softening growth in non-operating net income, which grew 56.2 per cent in April, down 12.1percentage points from March.
Rough conditions in the electricity, electronics and auto sectors, which came in at -11 per cent, -5.9 per cent and 4.4 per cent year-on-year in April after growth of 10.2 per cent, 59.2 per centand 14.2 per cent in March.
Electronics and auto manufacturing were among the five major sectors in which the statisticsbureau had previously warned that 88.8 per cent of profit growth was concentrated in March.
The bureau had also cautioned that it was unclear whether first-quarter growth wassustainable. The latest figures suggest it isn’t. Less encouraging still, independent surveyresults published yesterday suggested China’s industrial economy may have actually contractedduring the January-March period.