David Cameron is facing the threat of a leadership challenge following the EU referendum after the Brexit camp turned its sights on the prime minister with a series of highly personal attacks.
戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)面临在英国脱欧公投之后被赶下台的威胁。英国脱欧阵营已将矛头转向英国首相,对他发起了一系列个人攻击。
Bearing the hallmarks of an orchestrated campaign, Eurosceptic Tories piled pressure on Mr Cameron, including a direct threat to oust him immediately after the vote.
The ratcheting up is also a sign they are seeking to tighten their grip on the party in case of a defeat on June 23 by toppling the prime minister and replacing him with a more Eurosceptic leader. 卡梅伦面临的压力逐步加大也表明,这些议员正寻求一旦在6月23日的公投中失败之后,通过将卡梅伦赶下台,换上更支持脱欧立场的领导人来加大他们对保守党的掌控。
The gravest warning for Mr Cameron came from Andrew Bridgen, a prominent Tory backbencher, who told the BBC on Sunday that more than 50 MPs were ready to move against the prime minister because he is at “odds with half of our parliamentary party and probably 70 per cent of our members and activist base”.
对卡梅伦发出最严厉警告的人是著名的保守党后座议员安德鲁•布里德根(Andrew Bridgen),他在周日向英国广播公司(BBC)表示,逾50名议员准备采取行动将卡梅伦赶下台,因为他“与我党一半议员以及大约70%的基层党员和活动人士立场不同”。
Other senior Tories have said privately that it is likely that Eurosceptics will be able to round up the required signatures to mount a challenge. Nadine Dorries, the Mid-Bedfordshire MP and ardent critic of Mr Cameron, said she had already written to Graham Brady, chairman of the backbench 1922 committee which normally receives signatures for a leadership challenge.
其他高级保守党议员私下表示,欧洲怀疑论者很可能能够征集到对卡梅伦发起不信任投票所需的签名。中贝德福德郡议员娜丁•德里斯(Nadine Dorries)猛烈抨击卡梅伦,她称已经致信“1922年委员会”主席格雷厄姆•布雷迪(Graham Brady)。“1922年委员会”代表保守党后座议员,通常接收对首相发起不信任投票的签名。
Ms Dorries said Remain would need to win the vote by 60-40 for Mr Cameron to survive. Anything less and Mr Cameron would be “toast within days”.
The warning came as Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, the Brexit camp’s most senior figures, launched a personal attack on the prime minister over his failure to control immigration. They said his failure to bring net migration below 100,000 a year — a manifesto pledge made at the last election — was “corrosive of public trust” because it could not be delivered.
卡梅伦遭受警告之际,脱欧阵营中最资深的两位人士鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)和迈克尔•戈夫(Michael Gove)抨击卡梅伦未能控制住移民。他们表示,卡梅伦未能将净移民人数控制在一年10万人以下——这是卡梅伦在上次选举前的竞选宣言中做出的承诺——“损害了公众信任”,因为承诺未能兑现。
“This promise is plainly not achievable as long as the UK is a member of the EU,” both men said in a letter to the prime minister.
The personal attacks and the greater emphasis on immigration comes as Remain claims that that those campaigning to leave the EU are losing the economic argument, as institutions from the Treasury to the IMF warn Brexit would deal a blow to growth. Former prime minister Tony Blair said on Sunday the focus on immigration was because they “have lost comprehensively the debate on the economy”.
在脱欧阵营抨击卡梅伦并加大对移民问题的关注之际,留欧阵营宣称,那些推动脱欧的人士输掉了经济方面的辩论,因为从英国财政部到国际货币基金组织(IMF)等机构都警告称,脱欧将对经济增长造成严重打击。英国前首相托尼•布莱尔(Tony Blair)周日表示,聚焦于移民问题是因为他们“在经济问题上完全输掉了辩论”。