That rate of growth was the highest of thepast fourquarters, the company said, while mobile revenuesrose 149 per centyear on year to Rmb13.1bn ($2bn).Quarterly revenues rose to Rmb24.2bn, beatingmarket expectations, while annual active buyerson the company’s retailmarketplaces increased to 423m, up 16m over the prior quarter.
“Chinese consumers have a healthy balance sheet and ability to spend,”Joe Tsai,the company’sexecutive vice-chairman, told a press conference yesterday.
“中国消费者有健康的资产负债表和支出能力,”该公司执行副主席蔡崇信(Joseph Tsai)昨日在记者会上表示。
Economic growth in the first quarter ofthis year slipped to 6.7 per cent in China, well within thegovernment’s targetrange but still the slowest rate of gross domestic product growth sincethedepths of the global financial crisis in 2009.
Alibaba’s revenue growth was faster thanthe 32 per cent rise of the December quarter as grossmerchandise value (GMV)sold on its retail platforms such as Taobao and Tmall rose 24 percent year onyear to Rmb742bn during the March quarter. Mobile GMV accounted for 73 percentof the total compared with 51 per cent a year earlier.
“In the last six to 12 weeks Alibaba have been doing very well onmobile,”said Shaun Rein, ofChina Market Research group in Shanghai.
“在过去6到12个星期里,阿里巴巴在移动端表现不俗,”总部位于上海的中国市场研究集团(China MarketResearch)的雷小山(Shaun Rein)表示。
“I expect Alibaba to continue to do very well because consumerconfidence is still strong—salaries went up after lunar new year and there weren’t masslay-offs,”he added.
“And people want to buy from overseas because they trust thoseproducts more.”
Alibaba has about 80 per cent market sharein online retail in China and is successful in cross-border commerce.