巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)加强了他对英国退欧的反对,声称如果英国退出欧盟(EU),可能要等上10年才能和美国谈判达成新的贸易协定。
The US president has prompted the wrath ofEurosceptic campaigners by warning that Britainwould lose influence if it left the bloc.
Last week, during a press conference at the Foreign Office, he warned that the UK would haveto go to the “back of the queue” if it wanted to sign a new trade deal with his country.
上周,在英国外交部(Foreign Office)的一场新闻发布会上,奥巴马警告称,如果英国想要和美国签署新的贸易协定,英国将不得不排到“队尾”。
On Sunday, he spelt out what that meant, saying: “It could be five years from now, 10 yearsfrom now before we were able to actually get something done.”
Europe was the US’s largest trading partner, Mr Obama said, adding that the UK would have“less influence in Europe and, as a consequence, less influence globally” if it left the EU.
His warning over trade has angered UK campaigners for leaving the EU, including Ukip leaderNigel Farage, who dismissed Mr Obama’s comments as “utter tosh”.
Mr Farage accused the president of “coming to London to threaten us” with empty claims. “Who cares what the US wants? It’s what we want that matters,” he said.