1945年2月,美国总统富兰克林•罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)与温斯顿•丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)和约瑟夫•斯大林(Joseph Stalin)在雅尔塔举行峰会后的回国途中,在停泊在苏伊士运河大苦湖的美国海军“昆西号”(USS Quincy)战舰上会晤了沙特阿拉伯国王阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹•伊本•沙特(Abdul Aziz ibn Saud)。已经解决战后欧洲安排问题的罗斯福,为战后的中东格局奠定了一块基石。大体来说,美国将保证伊本•沙特统治的这个阿拉伯王国(用了30年、历经52场战争才用武力统一)的安全和完整,而沙特将保证以合理价格输出石油。
As US President Barack Obama arrives on a valedictory visit to Saudi Arabia this week, that70-year-old bargain looks frayed by fractious relations with a ruling House of Saud that iscoming under unpredictable new management. The shale-based energy revolutionmeanwhile shows the potential to liberate the US from dependence on Saudi and Gulf oil. MrObama’s main foreign policy achievement, the nuclear deal struck last year betweeninternational powers and Iran, is abhorrent to Saudi Arabia, whose virulently sectarian Wahhabiinterpretation of Sunni Islam abominates the Shia Islam of Iran and its Arab network of co-religionists from Baghdad to Beirut.
在美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)对沙特阿拉伯展开卸任前的最后一次访问之际,美国与如今由不可预测的新掌门人执掌的沙特王室的紧张关系,让这一持续70年的协议出现裂痕。与此同时,基于页岩的能源革命显示出美国有能力摆脱对沙特和海湾国家石油的依赖。奥巴马的主要外交政策成就是国际大国与伊朗去年达成的核协议,而这为沙特阿拉伯所憎恨,该国瓦哈比(Wahhabi)教派对逊尼派伊斯兰教作出排他的宗派解释,对伊朗的什叶派伊斯兰以及遍布阿拉伯世界(从伊拉克到黎巴嫩)的什叶派网络充满憎恨。
Even when the Iran deal was only at an interim and fragile stage in 2013, the Saudis were soaffronted they rejected a seat for which they had vigorously lobbied on the UN SecurityCouncil. But differences between Washington and Riyadh had been steadily accumulating —starting with the fact that it was mainly Saudi terrorists, on orders of the Saudi Osama binLaden, who struck America on 9/11.
甚至在2013年伊朗核协议仅仅处于脆弱的临时阶段时,沙特阿拉伯就感觉深受冒犯,拒绝了该国此前大力争取的联合国安理会(UN Security Council)非常任理事国席位。但美国与沙特的分歧早就在逐步积累,这始于下列事实:2001年9月11日袭击美国的恐怖分子主要是沙特人,他们的头目奥萨马•本•拉登(Osama binLaden)也是沙特人。
The Saudis could never reconcile themselves to the US-led invasion of Iraq, not because ittoppled Saddam Hussein but because it led to Shia majority rule in an Arab country. WhenHosni Mubarak was toppled by Egypt’s popular revolt in 2011, Riyadh accused Mr Obama ofbetraying a US ally. Saudi perceptions of US complacency in the face of Iran’s advances inIraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen are a grievance far outweighing western perceptions of Isisjihadism as the main threat in and from the Middle East. After the Iraqi city of Mosul fell to alightning Isis offensive in 2014, even the late Prince Saud al-Faisal, the respected Saudiforeign minister, remonstrated with John Kerry, US secretary of state, that “Daesh [Isis] is our[Sunni] response to your support for the Da’wa” — the Tehran-aligned Shia Islamist rulingparty of Iraq.
沙特阿拉伯永远不能忍受以美国为首的多国部队对伊拉克的入侵,不是因为这场入侵推翻了萨达姆•侯赛因(Saddam Hussein),而是因为它导致占人口大多数的什叶派统治了一个阿拉伯国家。2011年,当埃及的民众抗议推翻胡斯尼•穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)政权时,沙特阿拉伯谴责奥巴马背叛了美国的一个盟友。沙特阿拉伯认为美国在面对伊朗在伊拉克、叙利亚、黎巴嫩和也门的步步紧逼时无动于衷,由此产生的怨恨远远超过西方将“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(ISIS)的圣战主义视为中东内部以及来自中东的主要威胁。在2014年ISIS的闪电攻势导致伊拉克城市摩苏尔沦陷后,就连备受尊敬的沙特外长、已故的沙特•费萨尔亲王(PrinceSaud Al-Faisal)也对美国国务卿约翰•克里(John Kerry)抱怨说:“ISIS是我们(逊尼派)对你们支持Da’wa(与德黑兰一鼻孔出气的伊拉克什叶派伊斯兰主义执政党)的回应”。
Mr Obama’s never-enthusiastic sentiments about the US-Saudi alliance, meanwhile, havebecome clearer after The Atlantic magazine published his candid thoughts last month.Obviously he sees Wahhabism as an ideology that fuels Islamist extremism worldwide and as abarrier blocking the Arab rendezvous with modernity.
与此同时,奥巴马从未对美国沙特同盟表现出热情,在《大西洋》杂志(The Atlantic)上月发表他的坦率看法后,这一点变得更为清楚了。显然,他把瓦哈比主义视为一种助燃全球伊斯兰极端主义的意识形态,以及一个阻碍阿拉伯世界现代化的障碍。
Alongside the international rapprochement with Iran, Mr Obama has long argued for aregional thaw and self-regulating balance of power between the Saudi and Iranian rivals. “Thecompetition between the Saudis and the Iranians — which has helped to feed proxy wars andchaos in Syria and Iraq and Yemen — requires us to say to our friends as well as to theIranians that they need to find an effective way to share the neighbourhood and institutesome sort of cold peace,” he told The Atlantic.
But any such regional détente remains anathema to Saudi Arabia, in which real power is nowwielded by Mohammed bin Salman, deputy crown prince and 30-year-old son of the ageingKing Salman — the first time the reins have passed from the sons of Ibn Saud to the thirdgeneration.
但任何地区关系的缓和都是沙特阿拉伯所憎恨的,如今沙特的实权由该国副王储、年迈的沙特国王萨勒曼(King Salman)的30岁儿子穆罕默德•本•萨勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman,见上图)掌握,这是大权首次由伊本•沙特的儿子们传到第三代。
The fiasco at last weekend’s oil summit in Qatar, when on Mohammed bin Salman’sinstructions the Saudis tore up a production freeze deal they had largely devised because anIran emerging from sanctions refused to be part of it, demonstrated beyond doubt that thekingdom’s visceral animosity towards its Shia rival trumps economic self-interest.
However fulsome and emollient Mr Obama manages to be on this visit, and however much hesummons up the bonds uniting the US and the Wahhabi kingdom, all the way back to Rooseveltand Ibn Saud, the Saudis are simply waiting for him to leave office — albeit as anxious asanyone about the bewildering contest to replace him.
“I don’t think there can be any confusion about who is our partner in the region and who isnot,” said Rob Malley, the president’s adviser on the Gulf. “It’s clear who our allies and who ourpartners are.” Not to the Saudis, it isn’t, and perhaps not so much to the Americans either.