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A long-simmering row between Brussels andWashington over visas is set to break into the openon Tuesday when the European Commissionconsiders whether to force US citizens to apply for avisa before travelling to Europe.

周二,欧盟委员会(European Commission)将考虑是否要求美国公民在赴欧旅行前申请签证,布鲁塞尔与华盛顿之间长期以来围绕签证问题一直忍而不发的争执有望公开化。

Commissioners will meet to discuss what steps, ifany, to take against the US if Washington ignoresBrussels’ demand for a visa waiver to apply for all EU citizens.


Officials involved in the negotiations — which, in various forms, have dragged on for nearly adecade — are hopeful that a full-blown diplomatic fight can be avoided at a time whenrelations between the EU and the US are already strained by issues of trade, tax and evenChina.


Although most EU citizens are able to travel to the US without a proper visa, Washington hasstricter entry rules for visitors from some central and eastern member states.


People from Poland, Croatia, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania have to get a visa before travellingto the US on holiday or business. It is these countries that are pushing for Brussels to taketough steps against Washington unless it changes its ways, according to officials.


The EU demands that its member states “act in common” when it comes to visa policy,especially when a country “subjects citizens to differing treatment”.


In 2014, the US was given two years to offer all EU citizens the chance to benefit from its visawaiver programme, which is used by a total of 30 European countries.


“The deadline concerns the needs for the college [of commissioners] to take stock of thesituation,” said a spokesperson for the European Commission. “It will discuss the economicimpact, the political impact and the impact on external relations with these countries. Thenthey will discuss the next possible steps.”


National capitals and the European Parliament would have the final say on whether to suspendthe visa waiver programme enjoyed by US visitors. Such a decision would not apply to Britainand Ireland, which have opt outs from the EU’s visa policy.

对于是否暂停赴欧美国公民享有的免签计划,各国政府和欧洲议会(European Parliament)将拥有最终发言权。这类决定将不适用于英国和爱尔兰,这两个国家已选择不参与欧盟的签证政策。

US officials, however, insist that countries such as Romania simply have not met therequirements for its visa waiver programme.


Negotiations have been complicated by new US rules dictating that all visitors who havetravelled to Iran, Iraq, Sudan or Syria have to apply for a visa — a move that also angeredBrussels.


The fight over visas is just one example of the increasingly tetchy transatlantic relationship.Since the start of 2016, the two have clashed on everything from the tax treatment of big UStechnology groups in Europe to whether China should be treated as a “market economy”.


These disagreements come as both sides are in the process of negotiating a sweeping free-tradedeal called TTIP.



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