The attacker detonated the explosives among agroup of army recruits in the city that has becomehome to the government since it pushed out the Houthis with the help of a Saudi-led coalition.But the instability in Yemen has also brought al-Qaida militants seeking control in parts ofAden.
The United Nations is sponsoring peace talks next week between the government and Houthisand urged them to make sure their cessation of hostilities holds in order to create a goodenvironment for the negotiations.
The Houthis seized control of the Yemeni capital, Sana'a, in September 2014, but the conflictexploded into a regional fight in March of last year when the rebels marched on Aden and forcedPresident Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi to flee to Saudi Arabia. The Saudis responded byorganizing a coalition of militaries to conduct airstrikes in Hadi's defense and later expandedthe effort to include ground troops.
More than 6,200 people have been killed in the Yemen conflict, and the U.N. says more than80 percent of civilians are in desperate need of food and medical aid.