The state-run Global New Light of Myanmarnewspaper said Saturday that 113 political detaineeswere released across the country. Human-rights groups estimate that Myanmar has had about500 "prisoners of conscience" in detention.
Families and friends of the detainees began gathering at prisons after Aung San Suu Kyiannounced Thursday that prisoners would be released in conjunction with Buddhist new yearcelebrations in the coming days. Supporters greeted prisoners who were freed Friday withflowers, cheers and hugs.
In the midst of the celebrations, however, a court in the central city of Mandalay convicted twopeace activists of association with the Kachin Independence Army, an outlawed guerrilla groupin far northern Myanmar.
The two Buddhists—28-year-old Zaw Zaw Latt and 34-year-old Pyint Phyu Latt, members of aninterfaith organization—say they were on a charity mission.