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Dwight D Eisenhower left the White House in 1961cautioning against the designs of the military-industrial complex assembled to confront theSoviet Union. Barack Obama sees a real and presentdanger in a Washington foreign policyestablishment inclined to set militaryintervention as the default option.

德怀特•D•艾森豪威尔(Dwight D Eisenhower) 1961年离开白宫时,曾告诫美国人要警惕为对抗苏联而打造的军工复合体设计。巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)认为,华盛顿的外交政策体制内人士构成真实且迫在眉睫的危险,这些人倾向于把军事干预当作默认选项。

Mr Obama likes to recall Eisenhower’s view of war as mankind’s “most tragic and stupid folly”.He has resolutely resisted what his Republican predecessor once called a “recurringtemptation to feel that some spectacular and costly action could become the miraculoussolution to all current difficulties”.


America got what it voted for in 2008. Mr Obama won because he was not George W Bush. As astate senator in Illinois he had opposed the invasion of Iraq and campaigned to bring thetroops home from the Middle East. The aversion to war, the frustration with Arab allies, thediplomatic outreach to Iran, irritation with “freeriding” Europeans and a reluctance to takeon Russia’s Vladimir Putin over Ukraine, all fit the temperament of a leader intent on avoiding“stupid shit”. The surprise is that so many were surprised by his refusal to be drawn into a fightwith Bashar al-Assad of Syria.

2008年,美国在选举中如愿以偿,把奥巴马选入白宫。奥巴马获胜的原因在于他不是乔治•W•布什(GeorgeW Bush)。在担任伊利诺伊州参议员时,奥巴马就反对出兵伊拉克,并在竞选中承诺从中东撤军。厌恶战争、对阿拉伯盟友的失望、与伊朗进行外交接触、对欧洲国家“搭便车”表示不满,以及不愿在乌克兰问题上与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)摊牌,所有这些都符合一位决心避免“做蠢事”的领导人的性情。意外的是,竟有如此多的人对他拒绝被卷入与叙利亚巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Aassad)政权开战感到惊讶。

All this is charted by Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic after a series of interviews with thepresident. What stands out from Mr Goldberg’s elegant essay is Mr Obama’s unshakeableconviction that he is on the right side of history. There is not the smallest smidgen of self-doubt. Others (including White House aides) saw the failure to enforce a “red line” on MrAssad’s use of chemical weapons as a big blow to US power and prestige. The president sayssimply: “I’m very proud of this moment”.

在对奥巴马进行了一系列访谈后,杰弗里•戈德堡(Jeffrey Goldberg)把这一切都勾勒在了《大西洋月刊》(The Atlantic)的一篇文章中。从戈德堡这篇精彩文章中脱颖而出的是奥巴马毫不动摇的信念——他站在历史正确的一边。他没有丝毫一点点自我怀疑。其他人(包括白宫的一些助理)则认为,未能对阿萨德使用化学武器执行“红线”是对美国实力和威望的重大打击。奥巴马只是简单地说:“我对这一刻感到非常自豪”。

Even leaders so obviously untroubled by self-doubt fret about their legacy. Watching Syriaburn cannot be comfortable. Mr Obama wants to be remembered instead for the remarkablediplomatic deal that has checked Iran’s nuclear programme, for the opening to Cuba, for apivot to Asia and for last December’s global deal on climate change.


The starting point is a visceral scorn for what Mr Obama calls a “Washington playbook” thatmeasures US power in terms of the willingness to deploy force. When the US steps back, thestory runs, its credibility is shredded. In Mr Obama’s mind such logic leads inexorably tomilitary intervention. Credibility, as Mr Goldberg writes, becomes “dropping bombs onsomeone to prove you are willing to drop bombs on someone”.


In truth, Mr Obama’s critics have argued for something less than a rush to war in Syria — forsafe zones and more help for the rebels rather than tens of thousands of boots on the ground.The costs of international inaction have been counted in hundreds of thousands killed andmillions driven from their homes. And yes, there has been a visible effect on America’sinternational standing. Mr Obama’s answer to this catastrophe: “There are going to be timeswhere we can do something about innocent people being killed but there are going to be timeswhen we can’t.”


The president has a point. The US retreat from Iraq and Afghanistan was proof enough of thelimits of military power. Losing wars has done more damage to American credibility thanchoosing not to fight them. It is hard enough even for a superpower to maintain order betweenstates; it is all but impossible to impose it within fractured states.


The Washington mindset has not caught up with the think-tank reports charting the rise ofChina and global power shifts of the past decade. There is a reluctance to admit the passingof the unipolar moment and a just-do-something reflex that tends to reach first for a militaryoption. I am with those who believe the US should have done more to support the uprisingagainst Mr Assad’s regime. I am less confident the outcome would have been measurablydifferent.


For all that, Mr Obama’s deracinated calculation misses the human dynamic in internationalrelations. There is no algorithm to mimic the personal judgments that leaders invariably makeof their allies and adversaries. Perceptions count for as much as reality. It really does matter ifan adversary concludes that hesitation here will be replicated by weakness there. Beijingnotices when Mr Putin gets away with it. Successful diplomacy demands leverage;semaphoring an aversion to military entanglement depletes that leverage.


The president is content to call himself a foreign policy realist — though he insists the hard-headed assessment of core national interests that keeps him out of the Middle East isleavened by the internationalism that has seen him at the centre of the climate change talks.


What is missing from the Obama doctrine is a strategic view of the role of US leadership insustaining global order. Analysis drifts into an excuse for paralysis, but inaction carries asmany dangers as intervention. Mr Obama’s realism bleeds into fatalism. To observe that theUS cannot solve every problem in a disordered world should not be to conclude it ispowerless. Disorder is contagious and does not respect neat lines drawn around core nationalinterests.


As for Eisenhower, cautious he might have been about the rise of the military industrialcomplex, but he was not a non-interventionist. To the contrary, he was drafted to keep theRepublican nomination out of the hands of Robert A Taft — the isolationist who had arguedthat US core interests did not extend to the defeat of Nazi Germany.

至于艾森豪威尔,他或许对军事工业复合体的崛起抱有戒心,但他并非一名不干涉主义者。相反,他当初参选就是为了不让罗伯特•A•塔夫脱(Robert A Taft)赢得共和党总统候选人提名,后者是一名孤立主义者,曾表示美国的核心利益不包括打败纳粹德国。


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