A total of 202, mainly from Pakistan andAfghanistan, who had failed to apply formally forasylum in Greece, were sent back from Lesbos andChios to the Turkish coastal town of Dikili.
The move came as officials in Brussels and Athens tried to inject some momentum into thescheme before it faces the trickier legal and practical tasks of deporting refugees fromcountries such as Syria. “The tough cases are still to come,” warned one EU official.
No other departures are scheduled despite Greek assurances at the weekend that 750 migrantswould leave by tomorrow, raising concerns that the plan could quickly stall. “We can’t scheduleanother boat until we’ve gathered up enough to fill it who didn’t ask for asylum,” the officialsaid.
Further delays were expected, in spite of extra support from EU asylum officials, who will beginwork later this week. It will take at least two weeks for each case to be decided, they said,leaving those in Greece facing a wait of months.
Turkish officials raised tarpaulins to keep reporters, activists and workers from seeing into Dikiliport, where the migrants were fingerprinted and examined by doctors, before being bussed to acamp more than 400km away.
The bulk of those returned were from countries that are hardly ever granted asylum in the EUand regularly face deportation. Optional “return” schemes for citizens from countries such asMorocco and Pakistan have been oversubscribed for months, said officials in Greece.
International aid workers on Lesbos voiced doubts over whether those returned had beenoffered an opportunity to claim asylum, given the absence of interpreters and legalrepresentatives. EU officials reiterated that the programme was legal. Kerin Hope