Results of a referendum that ended on Thursday willcome as a blow to John Key, the country’s popularprime minister, who spearheaded the push for a newflag and described it as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to change the national symbol.
周四结束的公投结果将打击该国颇具人气的总理约翰•基(John Key),他是支持新国旗的先锋,并形容此次公投为一代人仅有一次的更换国家象征的机会。
Voters did not share the sentiment. More than 56 per cent of ballots — about 1.2m votes —were in favour of keeping the century-old Union Jack-anchored design rather than thealternative option of a silver fern on a black and blue background
“New Zealand has voted to retain our current flag,” Mr Key tweeted shortly after the resultswere announced. “I encourage all NZers to use it, embrace it and, more importantly, beproud of it.”
The referendum sparked renewed debate across the Asia-Pacific region on national and colonialidentity and the relationship with the UK.
Last year Fiji announced plans to erase the Union Jack from its national flag and is nowconsidering new designs. It hopes to have a new flag in place by October to mark the 45thanniversary of its independence.
“We need to replace the symbols on our existing flag that are out of date and no longerrelevant, including some anchored to our colonial past,” said Frank Bainimarama, Fiji’s primeminister.
“我们需要替换掉现有国旗上过时且不再有意义的符号,包括一些与我们的殖民地历史相关的符号,”斐济总理弗兰克•姆拜尼马拉马(Frank Bainimarama)表示。
In Australia there has also been a push to sever colonial-era symbolism. Opposition politiciansand state premiers in January signed a joint statement calling for the establishment of arepublic, almost two decades after a 1999 referendum on the subject was defeated.
But Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, a staunch republican who led the earlier campaign,blocked the move, saying the timing was not right and that nothing should be done while thecurrent Queen remains on the throne.
但是澳大利亚总理、领导上次公投的坚定的共和主义者马尔科姆•特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)阻止了这一行动,称目前的时机不合适,在现任女王仍然在位期间不应该这样做。
“There are many more urgent issues confronting Australia and indeed confronting thegovernment than the momentum or the desire for Australia to become a -republic,” MrTurnbull said.