The survey showed that most of the women, hailing from many regions, think it necessary for aman to have an apartment as a prerequisite for marriage.
A significant number of male respondents with monthly incomes of more than 10,000 yuan prefernot to give their pay slips to their wives.
The results showed that the vast majority of post-80s female respondents have a strong desire tocontrol the purse strings, with 78 percent of women demanding their partners hand their payslips over to them.
It also showed that 33 percent of males and 50 percent of females insist that a potential partner’sfamily should match their own in both social and economic standing.
The survey revealed that male respondents are more concerned with a partner’s looks (68percent), age (64 percent), and education background (25 percent). Females care more about age(61 percent), looks and income (60 percent), and owning an apartment (46 percent).
Male respondents with lower academic qualifications and less income said they long for marriagebecause they feel lonely and want somebody around, according to the report.
In addition, male respondents have a stronger desire for two children than their femalecounterparts, but overall, those born post the 1980s have the least desire for two children, thesurvey found.