U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday (June 22) ignited a storm of social media debate when he used a racial epithet in an interview posted online that discussed race relations following the recent killings of nine black churchgoers.
"It's not just a matter of it not being polite to say 'nigger' in public. That's not the measure of whether racism still exists or not. It's not just a matter of overt discrimination," Obama, the first black U.S. president, told Mark Maron, host of the "WTF" podcast, in an hour-long chat.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest, at a daily briefing with reporters on Monday, said Obama intended to be provocative by using the word and to illustrate a larger point.
上文中提到的“nigger”(黑鬼)一词是对黑人的蔑称,极为粗鲁,一般人都极其避讳使用该词。在美国,对于非洲后裔的称谓有好几种,如有色人种(colored)、黑佬(Negro)、黑人(black)、非裔美国人(Afro-American)及美籍非洲人(African American)等。礼貌的说法是Afro-American 或 African-American。对于非洲后裔绝对不要用 Negro或 nigger。Negro来源于西班牙语和葡萄牙语,原本是黑色的意思。后来因奴隶主阶层对黑奴都恶狠狠地称之为Negro,该词成了“黑奴”、“黑鬼”的同义词,在美国被认为含有明显的歧视含义。