苹果(Apple)正招聘新闻从业者组建编辑团队,运营其Apple News服务。此举是苹果一项更宏大举措的一部分,目的是对选送给苹果设备用户的内容进行人工干预。
The Apple editorial team will liaise with publishers, which include the Financial Times, New York Times, The Guardian and The Economist, which have signed up to provide content to the news service.
苹果编辑团队将负责与出版商联络。这些出版商包括英国《金融时报》、《纽约时报》(New York Times)、《卫报》(The Guardian)和《经济学人》(The Economist),它们已和苹果签约,将为其新闻服务提供内容。
A job ad posted for Apple News, which replaces Apple’s Newsstand and will compete with Facebook’s new Instant Articles service, said successful candidates would “identify and deliver the best in breaking national, global, and local news”.
在为Apple News发布的招聘广告上,苹果表示,符合条件的候选者应能“识别和发送最佳的国内、国际及地方突发新闻”。Apple News将取代苹果的虚拟报摊(Newsstand),并与Facebook新推出的Instant Articles服务展开竞争。
It is seeking candidates with more than five years of “newsroom experience” able to “recognise original, compelling stories unlikely to be identified by algorithms”. Apple declined to comment beyond the job ad.
One publisher that has had negotiations with Apple over the news service said the hiring of journalists was “jaw-dropping” and “a real surprise”.
Ken Doctor, an analyst with Newsonomics, pointed to other examples of technology companies hiring journalists, such as Flipboard and Yahoo. “Apple hasn’t done it so it’s a departure but it’s not a surprising departure,” he said. “To do curated distribution you either use algorithms, like Google News, or you use people.”
Newsonomics分析师肯?多克托(Ken Doctor)则提到其他高科技企业聘用新闻从业者的例子——比如Flipboard和雅虎(Yahoo!)。他说:“苹果以前没这么做过,因此这算是一次新的尝试,但它并不出人意料。做策划发行,你要么靠算法、就像谷歌新闻(Google News)那样,要么靠人。”
Apple’s news recruitment drive is the latest example of a steady uptick in traffic from Fleet Street to Silicon Valley. In the last few years, social networks Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have hired reporters and editors from the likes of News Corp and NBC to help broker relationships between media groups and their distribution platforms. Within the past six months, Snapchat has hired reporters from CNN and tech site The Verge.
苹果招聘新闻从业者之举,是新闻业人士转投硅谷的步伐逐步加快的最新例证。最近几年,社交网络Facebook、Twitter和领英(LinkedIn)已从新闻集团(News Corp)、美国全国广播公司(NBC)等机构招了不少记者和编辑,以帮助处理媒体集团与其发行平台之间的关系。过去六个月里,Snapchat也从美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)及技术网站The Verge聘用了多名记者。
The launch of Apple News comes as the company tries to introduce more of a human element to its other services. Apple Music, which was unveiled last week, includes personally selected playlists and Beats 1, an international radio station staffed by newly hired DJs — including Zane Lowe, formerly of BBC Radio 1.
苹果推出Apple News的同时,也试图向自己的其他服务引入更多人的元素。上周推出的Apple Music服务,就包括了人工挑选的歌单以及一个名为“Beats 1”的国际广播电台。该电台的人员由新近聘用的DJ组成,其中包括曾在英国广播公司广播一台(BBC Radio 1)工作的赞恩·洛(Zane Lowe)。
The publishers participating in Apple News will supply Apple with a few stories each day, which will be served as a stream from an icon on the homescreen of connected Apple devices. The publishers will keep any advertising revenue they generate from ads sold around these stories; if they want Apple to sell the ads the iPhone maker will keep a 30 per cent cut of any revenues.
参与Apple News的出版商每天将向苹果提供数篇报道,这些报道将通过联网苹果设备主屏幕上的一个应用以流媒体的形式提供给用户。出版商自己围绕这些报道卖出的广告,收入全归它们自己所有。如果它们希望由苹果来卖广告,苹果将获得相当于收入30%的分成。