GENEVA — Secretary of State John Kerry plans to cut short his trip to Europe after breaking a leg while bicycling on Sunday and will return to Boston for medical treatment.
日内瓦——周日骑自行车时摔伤一条腿后,美国国务卿约翰·克里(John Kerry)计划缩短访欧行程,并将回波士顿接受治疗。
The State Department said that Mr. Kerry’s bike struck a curb while he was cycling near Scionzier, France. He was taken to a hospital in Geneva and never lost consciousness.
Mr. Kerry, 71, had been scheduled to fly to Madrid on Sunday afternoon for an official visit there. He was then set to travel to Paris for a meeting on Tuesday of foreign ministers from the coalition the United States has assembled to confront the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.
71岁的克里原本计划于周日下午飞赴马德里,进行正式访问。之后,他将前往巴黎,参加周二同一个联盟的成员国外长举行的会议。该联盟是美国为对抗又名ISIS或ISIL的伊斯兰国(Islamic State)而召集组建的。
Those travel plans have been canceled, but Mr. Kerry plans to participate in the Paris event remotely by a videoconference.
John Kirby, a State Department spokesman, said that the secretary would return to the United States in “an aircraft outfitted to ensure he remains comfortable and stable throughout the flight. Its use is nothing more than a prudent medical step on the advice of physicians.” Aides and reporters traveling with the secretary flew back to Washington on his plane.
国务院发言人约翰·柯比(John Kirby)表示,克里返回美国时“会乘坐一架配有相关设备的飞机,以确保他在整个飞行过程中感觉舒适,情况稳定。使用这架飞机不过是在医生的建议下采取的一项谨慎的医疗措施”。同克里一同出访的助手和记者将乘坐他的飞机返回华盛顿。
Mr. Kerry has kept a grueling pace as the United States’ chief diplomat. According to the State Department, he has visited 63 countries and traveled for 356 days since becoming secretary of state.
Mr. Kerry had been planning an active month of diplomacy, including extensive travel to meet with Iranian officials in Europe, to try to conclude an accord limiting Iran’s nuclear program by a June 30 deadline. Mr. Kerry met here for six hours on Saturday with his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif. It was not clear how quickly he would be able to resume his travel schedule.
克里此前一直筹划在一个月的时间里展开积极的外交活动,包括频繁前去欧洲同伊朗官员会晤,以努力在最后期限6月30日之前达成一项限制伊朗核计划的 协议。周六当天,克里在这里同伊朗外长穆罕默德·贾瓦德·扎里夫(Mohammad Javad Zarif)举行了长达六个小时的会晤。尚不清楚克里能多快恢复出行日程。
Mr. Kerry had left Sunday morning open in case his Saturday talks with the Iranians were extended. But those talks ended Saturday afternoon, and Mr. Kerry decided to cycle a route that had been part of the Tour de France on Sunday morning using a bike that he had brought with him.
为了防止前一天与伊朗方面的会谈时间延长,克里将周日上午空了出来。但会谈周六下午就结束了,于是周日上午,克里决定在属于环法自行车赛(Tour de France)路线的一个路段上骑自行车。他用的是自己携带的自行车。
Agence France-Presse, quoting French officials, said that Mr. Kerry had coordinated the cycling trip with the local authorities. Mr. Kerry fell as he was riding at a low speed at the start of a challenging climb up the Col de la Colombière, the report said.
法新社(Agence France-Presse)援引法国官员的话说,克里同地方当局协调过自行车骑行一事。报道称,克里摔倒时的骑行速度较慢,当时他刚开始爬科隆比耶尔山峰(Col de la Colombière)路段。
Reporters traveling with the secretary of state were not with Mr. Kerry at the time of the accident. They were informed about it more than 90 minutes later after Mr. Kerry had been taken to the hospital and was being evaluated there.
“Secretary Kerry broke his right femur in a bicycling accident this morning in Scionzier, France,” Mr. Kirby, the State Department spokesman, said in a statement. “Given the injury is near the site of his prior hip surgery, he will return to Boston today to seek treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital with his doctor who did the prior surgery.”
“今天上午,国务卿克里在在法国雄济耶骑自行车时发生事故,摔断了右股骨,”前述国务院发言人柯比在一则声明中说。“考虑到受伤部位位于他之前的髋 部手术部位附近,他将于今天回到波士顿,在马萨诸塞州总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital)接受之前给他做手术的医生的治疗。”
The statement added that Mr. Kerry was in good spirits and expected to make a full recovery.
“The secretary very much regrets not being able to visit Spain to meet with one of our close allies for discussions on a range of issues, as well as being unable to attend the counter-ISIL coalition ministerial meeting on Tuesday in Paris in person,” the statement said.