俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)的一名主要安全顾问指责美国可能通过武装乌克兰的计划,试图将俄罗斯直接拖入乌克兰的战争,此言凸显了莫斯科方面将强势回应美国军援乌克兰的举动。
“The Americans are trying to draw the RussianFederation into an interstate military conflict, toachieve regime change through the events in Ukraine and to ultimately dismember ourcountry,” said Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Kremlin’s security council.
“美国人试图把俄罗斯联邦拖入一场国家间的军事冲突,试图通过乌克兰发生的事件促成政权变更,最终瓦解我们的国家,”俄罗斯联邦安全会议(Security Council of the Russian Federation, 简称SCRF)秘书长尼古拉•帕特鲁舍夫(Nikolai Patrushev)表示。
The warning represented Moscow’s first high-level comments on the intensifying debate inWashington about supplying lethal weapons to a Ukrainian militaryat war with Russia-backedseparatists.
The start of such arms supplies would be “one more confirmation that the US is a directparticipant in the conflict,” Mr Patrushev added, warning that if Washington took this step,the conflict would “escalate only further”.
Mr Patrushev is one of Mr Putin’s closest associates — a former head of the FSB intelligenceagency that succeeded the KGB, and one of the security officials with whose help the presidentruns the country.
His comments add to an accelerating drumbeat of bellicose warnings that have convincedmany in Moscow the Russian leadership is preparing the country for a wider war. But othersinterpret the ratcheting up of rhetoric as a bluff to strengthen Moscow’s hand in ongoingpeace talks.
Dmitri Trenin, head of the Moscow Carnegie Center, an arm of the US think-tank, is in theformer camp. A move by the US to supply the Ukrainian army with lethal weapons would beviewed as “a real game changer” by the Russian government, he said.
美国智库卡内基中心(Carnegie Center)的莫斯科分支负责人德米特里•特列宁(Dmitri Trenin)同意前一种观点。他表示,在俄罗斯政府看来,如果美国向乌克兰军队提供致命性武器,那将“真正改变游戏规则”。