Their animus was directed at one of the New Delhiarea’s biggest residential builders, Kabul Chawla. In2008, nearly 200 military officers had put down deposits on apartments at Park Serene, ahigh-rise apartment complex Mr. Chawla was developing. In addition to a swimming pool, acommunity center and special prices for members of India’s military, a big drawing card wasthe prospect that the officers could live together in retirement.
他们抗议的对象是新德里地区最大的住宅开发商之一卡布尔·舒拉(Kabul Chawla)。2008年,近200名军官投入预付款,购买舒拉当时正在开发的高层公寓小区“静园”(Park Serene)的房子。除游泳池、社区中心和针对印度军人的特价外,另一个极具吸引力的地方是,军官们退役后能生活在一起。
More than six years later, the protesters say that Mr. Chawla’s company has collected almost100 percent of the price of the Park Serene apartments from 400 buyers, payments theprotesters estimate at more than $35 million. But the company has not completed the units. “They put their life savings in it,” said Brajesh Kumar, a retired Army major general andspokesman for the protesting officers, who have taken their grievances to a national consumercommission. “They thought that after their retirement they would move in. It’s not a happysituation for a large number of consumers.”
六年多过去了,抗议者称,舒拉的公司几乎收取了静园公寓400名买主的全款。他们估计金额超过3500万美元(约合2.2亿元人民币)。但该公司到现在都还没完成公寓的施工。“他们投入了毕生积蓄,”为抗议军人担任发言人的退役陆军少将布拉杰什·库马尔(Brajesh Kumar)说。抗议者们投诉到了一个全国性的消费者协会。“他们本以为退休后就能住进去。对这么多消费者来说,这种处境实在不好受。”
As complaints mount against Mr. Chawla, developer of two dozen other major residentialcomplexes near New Delhi, many of the veterans are struggling to find a place to live.
Mr. Chawla does not appear to have that problem. Even when he is more than 7,000 miles awayin New York, he enjoys the comforts of a 4,050-square-foot condominium in the Time WarnerCenter that has five bedrooms, a media/playroom, soaring ceilings and Central Park views.
不过,舒拉本人似乎并不存在这个问题。即便在7000多英里(约1.1万公里)外的纽约,他也享受着一套4050平方英尺(约380平方米)的共管公寓带来的舒适。时代华纳中心(Time Warner Center)的这套公寓空间开阔,有五间卧室和一个多媒体娱乐室,中央公园的景色尽收眼底。
Although Mr. Chawla denies owning the apartment, saying that he stays there but that itbelongs to his cousin, The New York Times has unearthed correspondence among real estatebrokers involved in the apartment’s purchase, as well as other sources, tying the condo to Mr.Chawla.
The ownership of the unit on the 68th floor of the Time Warner Center’s south tower isobscured by a corporate veil: a Delaware company with a Singapore address and a name,NYC Real Estate Opportunities, evoking the ambitions of an international buyer.
这套公寓在时代华纳中心南楼的第68层,其所有权掩藏在一层企业的面纱之下:特拉华州一家注册地址在新加坡的公司NYC Real Estate Opportunities。公司名称本身彰显了一名国际买家的野心。
The secrecy surrounding 68AF is not unusual. Of the 192 condos at the Time Warner Center,nearly two-thirds are owned through shell companies, a Times investigation has found. Oftenthe names of the people behind those shell companies are shrouded in secrecy. And 68AF isamong the most carefully cloaked.
When the apartment was bought outright in February 2012 for $19.4 million, the backlashagainst Mr. Chawla had already begun in India.
A Boom in Development
Mr. Chawla, who is in his early 40s, got his start in the real estate business more than 20 yearsago when he put up a building on property owned by his father. While his family name was wellknown in India — his cousin was the astronaut Kalpana Chawla, who died aboard the spaceshuttle Columbia — Mr. Chawla’s company, BPTP, was little known until 2005, when he beganaggressively purchasing farmland near Faridabad, a suburb of New Delhi. At the time, a newcommuter rail line and highway were progressing toward the suburb, and BPTP began buyingland at prices as low as $12 per square yard, which it would later sell for more than 10 timesthat.
20多年前,现在40岁出头的舒拉在房地产行业开始了自己的事业,在其父所有的一块地上盖起了一栋楼。尽管在印度,他的姓氏广为认知——在“哥伦比亚号”航天飞机上遇难的宇航员卡尔帕纳·舒拉(Kalpana Chawla)是他的堂亲——但他的公司BPTP却一直鲜为人知,直到2005年他开始在新德里郊区法里达巴德附近大举收购农田。当时,一条新的通勤铁路线和公路正在向该地区推进,而BPTP开始买地时的价格最低达每平方码12美元(约合每平方米90元人民币)。后来,该公司的卖价是这个水平的十多倍。
“No one showed interest in developing this area for 14 years, until we started land acquisitionin 2005,” Mr. Chawla’s company said in an email, pointing out that the land had been cut off bytwo irrigation canals.
Mr. Chawla’s company constructed a six-lane highway bridge to make the project, calledParklands, accessible. His efforts dovetailed with a state plan to transform vast tracts of richfarmland near Faridabad to residential use, which itself was part of a construction boom inIndia to accommodate a rising middle class.
By the fall of 2009, BPTP said it had presold 10,685 apartments and 5,657 residential plots atParklands, which Mr. Chawla envisioned as a community that would include apartmentbuildings, lots for single-family homes and commercial establishments.
By 2012, the company was overseeing more than two dozen projects on nearly 2,500 acres. Ithad 22,000 customers and sales of $1.6 billion, according to a company news release at thetime.
Today, many of those customers appear to be unhappy. They have flooded Facebook pages,real estate forums and consumer websites in India with complaints about BPTP and have stagedprotests at some of the company’s properties.
In an interview at his corporate headquarters near New Delhi and in emailed responses, Mr.Chawla and his company said that BPTP was highly professional and that it was catering to theregion’s middle class. He acknowledged delays in some of his projects but blamed them on a“plethora” of external factors, including government setbacks in infrastructure development.Mr. Chawla’s company said it hoped to deliver the military officers’ apartments by this summer.
“All the developers are facing this kind of issue,” he said in the company’s conference room,which is dominated by a large portrait of Gandhi.
In addition to the six-lane bridge the company donated to the government, BPTP said it hadtaken on other projects that were the government’s responsibility.
But rather than the middle-class mecca Mr. Chawla had envisioned a decade ago, his signaturedevelopment, Parklands, is a 1,700-acre dystopia of vacant lots and apartment structures,some finished but others in various stages of completion.
Many owners who had moved into their apartments complained about leaky roofs, poor plasterand wiring, substandard sewage treatment, deficient recreational facilities and parking spaces,and hidden and escalating charges.
Other buyers who are still without housing have accused BPTP of failing to deliver on propertiesthey purchased.
At one of the Parklands apartment complexes, called Park Elite Floors, a buyer, Neeraj Jagga,said that there had been little construction progress in three years and that much of theproject appeared to have been abandoned. A video Mr. Jagga made of his unit last winter showscrumbling bricks and plaster, unfinished walls and floors, no windows and rusting balconyrailings. A recent visit to the site revealed no progress, he said.
在花园之地的公寓群中,有一个小区叫做“菁园”(Park Elite Floors)。买家尼拉杰·贾加尔(Neeraj Jagga)称,建设工作在三年时间里没有什么进展,而且项目的很多部分似乎已遭废弃。贾加尔去年冬天拍摄的一则视频显示,他买的那套公寓砖头和灰泥开裂、墙壁与地板施工未能完成、窗户没有安装,而且阳台栏杆生了锈。他说,自己近期又去了一次,发现没有任何进展。
He bought one of the 4,194 apartments in the sprawling Park Elite Floors, most of which weresold in the spring and summer of 2009. Mr. Jagga, who works in commercial printing, saidBPTP had given various reasons for delays, including claims of a contractor dispute. “It’s beenfive years,” he said. “Everybody is stuck.”
The company has denied wrongdoing. In the case of Park Elite Floors, the company said thatwhile work had slowed, the project had not been abandoned and that it had offeredpossession to 1,274 of the buyers.
In India, customers frequently put down money for apartments and lots in advance, thencontinue paying as construction proceeds.
But as BPTP buyers have waited long beyond the promised delivery dates of their lots andapartments, the company has begun new projects. “Most of the money they have used fordeveloping other projects, buying other lands,” said Ashok Rajan Agarwal, a retired executivefor a state-owned power company who invested in BPTP property.
尽管BPTP开发项目的那些业主等待的时间早已超出了地块和公寓的承诺交付期,但公司却开始兴建新的项目。“大部分的钱被他们用来开发其他项目,”投资了BPTP地产的阿肖克·拉詹·阿加瓦尔(Ashok RajanAgarwal)说。他已退休,之前在一家国有电力企业担任高管。
BPTP denies such allegations, but a recent ruling by a government consumer commissionseems to buttress Mr. Agarwal’s statement. Two buyers at another complex filed complaintsin 2012 seeking the return of substantial deposits they had made on apartments beginning in2005. The commission ruled that BPTP had to refund the money with interest, noting that thecompany failed for several years to use it for the apartments but “continued to utilize theamounts deposited by the complainants” in other projects. The complex has since beencompleted, and BPTP says it has appealed the decision.
In addition to the complaints from angry and, in some cases, desperate customers, manycritics have alleged that Mr. Chawla is a major beneficiary of government officials who havebent rules for favored builders, to the detriment of consumers.
In August, an opposition party, Indian National Lok Dal, demanded an investigation of therelationship between several builders, including Mr. Chawla, and officials in Haryana State, whereFaridabad is located. Mr. Chawla denies receiving any government favors.
去年8月,反对党印度全国人民党(Indian National Lok Dal)要求,对包括舒拉在内的几名开发商与法里达巴德所在的哈里亚纳邦的多名官员之间的关系进行调查。舒拉本人否认从政府那里获得了任何特殊关照。
Putting it into perspective, Amit Jain, who heads a consumer association representingapartment owners in a Delhi suburb, said BPTP is one of many companies that are takingadvantage of a housing shortage and a loosely regulated system with few consumerprotections. “I would say he is not a bad guy,” Mr. Jain said. “He is doing what most of thebuilders are doing. They’re good people but they are enjoying the largess of this failed state.”
阿米特·杰恩(Amit Jain)是代表德里郊区公寓业主的一个消费者协会的负责人,对此他提出了一个见解。他说,BPTP和其他很多公司正在利用住房短缺、监管系统宽松、消费者的权利几乎得不到保护的漏洞。“我不会说他是一个坏人,”杰恩说。“他做的事情,大部分开发商也在这么做。他们是好人,但他们正在从这种混乱状态中获益。”
"They Promised Heaven"
On Dec. 26, 2011, The Times of India quoted a local police official as saying, “We are on thelookout for the accused Kabul Chawla.”
2011年12月26日,《印度时报》(The Times of India)引述当地警员的话说,“我们在寻找被告卡布尔·舒拉”。
The highly publicized case involved an accountant’s allegation that BPTP had cheated him outof 40 lakh rupees, then the equivalent of more than $85,000. The accountant, Suresh Goel,had bought a commercial lot in 2006 in Parklands, where he had planned to open an office. Mr.Goel said in an interview that he later learned that BPTP sold him the lot before gettingrequired licenses and that when he complained to the company, it canceled his contract withoutreturning his money.
这个案件有很高的曝光度,原告是一位名叫苏雷什·戈埃尔(Suresh Goel)的会计师,指控BPTP骗走了自己的400万卢比(约合人民币40万元)。2006年,戈埃尔在花园之地购买了一个商业地块,计划在那里开设一家办事处。他在一次采访中表示,自己后来才知道BPTP是在缺乏很多必需的许可证的情况下把地卖给他的,当他投诉到这家公司时,公司取消了与他的合同,但却没有退款。
After Mr. Goel filed a complaint with the police and another with a consumer commission, hesaid BPTP returned his money. The company said in an email that the allegations were false butthat it returned Mr. Goel’s money to avoid harassment by the police.
Even after the money was returned, the police continued their investigation. In 2012, BPTP wentto court to get the case closed. The case was kept open, though, after an investigating officertestified that other people were approaching him with similar complaints against the company.
The case was closed in 2013 without charges being brought.
In interviews, some buyers who bought lots years ago in Parklands complained that thecompany arbitrarily switched the location of their lots to less developed parts of the project.
In a statement, the company strongly denied the allegations but said that some buyers wereassigned different lots when the government ordered changes to the overall plan, including thewidening of roads, that required a new layout.
Manoj Pandey, a real estate agent who said he sold more than 100 BPTP plots, ascribed a morenefarious motivation. He said that the company’s pattern was to sell property, then reassigncustomers to less desirable locations and resell the original property for more money.
马诺·潘迪(Manoj Pandey)是一个房地产经纪人,自称卖出了100多个BPTP地块,他觉得该公司这么做是出于更加恶劣的动机。他说,该公司的模式是出售物业,然后重新把业主的地段调整到不太理想的位置,然后重新出售原来的物业,以赚取更多的钱。
BPTP, in a statement, called the allegation “false, frivolous and a figment of someone’simagination.”
But Mr. Pandey said in an interview: “They promised heaven to all the buyers.”
Naveen Verma, an Indian who works in a technology job in Scotland, said he bought a Parklandslot in 2006. Mr. Verma, who said he had invested more than $90,000 in his property, providedThe Times with dozens of emails to BPTP asking for possession. Mr. Verma said he had beenpromised a swimming pool and Wi-Fi connectivity in a gated community, but none of that hadmaterialized. Instead, local villagers were using the site to dry cow manure for fuel when helast visited in December 2013.
在苏格兰科技业中工作的印度人纳温·维尔马(Naveen Verma)说,自己2006年在花园之地购买了一个地块,投资超过9万美元。他向时报提供了几十封要求BPTP交付物业的电邮。维尔马说,BPTP承诺的物业是在一个封闭式社区中,有游泳池,能上WiFi,但这些承诺都没有兑现。他上次去那里是在2013年12月,当地村民们正在那里晒牛粪当燃料。
In 2014, Mr. Verma went to court and BPTP agreed to turn over the lot to him, although he saidthere was little he could do with the property at this point. In a statement, the company saidthat no road had been built to Mr. Verma’s property because the government had been unableto acquire the necessary land, blaming “encroachment by some local villagers.”
One villager, a retired electrical worker named Ram Kishan, whose home is near Mr. Verma’s lot,says he will not leave the settlement. “I told them this is the land of my forefathers and we havebeen living here for over 150 years,” Mr. Kishan said, speaking in Hindi about visitors to the sitewho told him he had to leave. “How can I run away from the village of my ancestors? The wholeworld is building their homes around our village.”
一位名叫拉姆·基尚(Ram Kishan)的村民是退休电工,他的家靠近维尔马的地块。基尚说自己不会迁走。“我告诉他们,这是我祖上传下来的土地,我们在这里生活了150多年,”基尚用印地语说。他说有人到这里来,叫他必须迁走。“我怎能离开世代居住的村子呢?全世界都跑到我们村周围盖房子住。”
A Purchase in Manhattan
By the summer of 2011, as Mr. Chawla fended off criticism back home, a buyer expressed aninterest in Apartment 68AF in the Time Warner Center.
The resulting cash offer of $19.4 million was more than $7 million below the asking price for theapartment, which encompasses five and a half marble baths, a 23-by-24-foot great room, his-and-her master closets and river-to-river views of the city.
When the contract was finally drawn up, it contained special language permitting thepurchaser to transfer ownership to a limited liability company, which “may be owned by aCayman Island limited liability company or a British Virgin Island limited liability company tobe formed, and/or to a trust.”
The contract went on to suggest that another family would occupy the unit and might becomethe owner. The family’s name did not appear in the paperwork but was to be disclosed to thecondo board. If the board did not agree to the arrangement, the deal was to be voided andthe $1.9 million deposit returned. Such a transfer would not require any public filing.
Douglas A. Kellner, a New York lawyer who reviewed the contract at the request of The Timesbut knew nothing about the buyer, said the type of layering described in the document couldplace ownership in the jurisdiction with the most favorable tax treatment — which couldreduce tax liabilities if a residence was rented or if a mortgage was taken out.
时报请纽约律师道格拉斯·A·克尔纳(Douglas A. Kellner)审核了这份合同,他对买家一无所知。克尔纳表示,合同中的这些条款,可以把所有权放到税收待遇最优惠的管辖区——在公寓出租,或者申请抵押贷款时,可以减少税负。
“There is also the possibility that the layering is used to hide the real ownership,” Mr. Kellnersaid.
Months went by before the deal finally closed. If not for a lawsuit over real estate fees, neitherthe terms of the contract nor a clue linking it to Mr. Chawla would have been revealed.
Shortly after the sale, the brokerage firm Douglas Elliman sued the former owners of the condo,claiming the company was due brokerage fees. Documents filed in that case contained emailexchanges among brokers, including Julie Rose of Citi Habitats, who had represented the buyer.One of the emails refers to the first name of a figure making requests from behind the scenes:Kabul.
该公寓售出后不久,经纪公司道格拉斯·艾丽曼房地产公司(Douglas Elliman)状告这套公寓的前业主,称其到期未付中介费。该案的文件包含经纪人之间的一些电邮往来,其中一名经纪人是代表买方的花旗居屋(CitiHabitats)的朱莉·罗斯(Julie Rose)。一份电邮提到了幕后主使者的名字:卡布尔。
“Dear All,” Brenda S. Powers, then a broker for Brown Harris Stevens, which represented theseller, wrote in an email to others involved in the transaction. “Julie Rose who is in directcommunication with Kabul has requested the following.”
“亲爱的诸位,”卖方代理人、当时为布朗·哈里斯·史蒂文斯(Brown Harris Stevens)公司经纪人的布伦达·S·鲍尔斯(Brenda S. Powers)在电邮中对参与这桩交易的其他人说。“朱莉·罗斯负责与卡布尔直接沟通,她提出了以下要求。”
The email went on to explain that the buyer’s lawyer would not release the contract anddeposit until complete measurements had been made of the unit. “We will get the different ways— methods of calculation,” Ms. Powers wrote. “Architect’s approach, graphic designer’sapproach, developer’s approach.”
A person inside the Time Warner Center had suggested to The Times that Kabul Chawla and hiswife, Anjali, owned 68AF, and Ms. Powers’s email supplied additional information.
In an interview, Mr. Chawla acknowledged that his family had used the Time Warner Centercondo. The Chawlas’ teenage son had posted photographs on his Facebook page that, withtheir telling architectural detail and views of Central Park in the background, seem to have beentaken from inside the unit. Mr. Chawla said the unit was owned by Aneil Anand, who he said wasa cousin. “I don’t own an apartment in New York,” Mr. Chawla said.
在一次采访中,舒拉承认,其家人曾住在时代华纳中心的公寓。他家十几岁的儿子在Facebook上贴了一些照片,从其中特别的建筑细节、以及背景中的中央公园风景来看,似乎是在这套公寓里拍摄的。舒拉说这套公寓属于表亲阿奈尔·阿南德(Aneil Anand)。“我自己在纽约没有公寓,”舒拉说。
Mr. Anand, who is listed as the purchaser in documents disclosed in the lawsuit, joined thehedge fund Duet Group in 2009 from JPMorgan Chase & Company. Mr. Anand did notrespond to requests for an interview.
To further investigate the ownership, The Times contacted one of the people on the “Kabul”email, Hall F. Willkie, the president of Brown Harris Stevens. Citing the deed on 68AF, TheTimes asked Mr. Willkie why it was signed by Aneil Anand and not Kabul Chawla. “I think theyusually just put it in another name for public records,” he replied.
为了进一步调查这套公寓的所有权,时报联系了那份“卡布尔”电邮中的联系人霍尔·F·威尔基(Hall F. Willkie)。他是布朗·哈里斯·史蒂文斯公司的总裁。关于68AF公寓,时报询问威尔基,为什么签名的是阿奈尔·阿南德而不是卡布尔·舒拉。“我认为他们就是经常在公共记录中使用另一个名字而已,”他回答说。
When The Times asked whether Kabul Chawla or Aneil Anand toured the apartment beforepurchase, he said he did not know but could not disclose that even if he did.
“The last thing we do is talk about them as individuals,” he said.
“So for you to talk about this deal you would have to ask Kabul for permission?” The Timescontinued.
“Yes,” Mr. Willkie responded.
The deal for 68AF was one of New York’s 25 most expensive residential sales of 2012. After itclosed, Citi Habitats posted an interview with Ms. Rose on the company website in which shedescribed it as “a very complicated deal — but in the end my client was very happy. He loveshis new home and that’s all that matters.”
In an effort to reach Mr. Anand, a reporter tried to deliver him a bottle of wine at the TimeWarner Center. But staff members there did not know who he was. A concierge at the frontdesk searched through a list of residents, looking for Aneil Anand. “We don’t have anyone bythat name,” she said.