The seven year itch is the psychological theory that happiness in couples starts to deteriorate after seven years together, increasing the chances of a break-up.
The phrase became world-famous after Marilyn Monroe starred in a film of the same name in 1955, where she plays an attractive actress who becomes the focus of a married man's affections.
这个词语在1955年玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe)主演的同名电影后闻名于世。在该片中,梦露饰演了一位被已婚男子深深着迷的富有魅力的女演员。
But new research shows that psychologists got it wrong - the point in a marriage when a couple is most unhappy, therefore most likely to stray, is actually the ten-year mark.
A study involving more than 2000 women born between 1957 and 1964 questioned their feelings about their marriage over 35 years.
During the interviews, students at Brigham Young University in Utah found that in two thirds of marriages, happiness started at high levels but then steadily declined.
在采访中,来自美国犹他州(Utah)杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University)的学生们发现三分之二的婚姻在刚开始时幸福值很高,但是之后就逐渐下降了。
Women revealed themselves to be most unhappy in their relationships after ten years together.
Researchers suggest that this point coincides with when the females are juggling the biggest workloads both in household chores and childcare.
But these levels of discord are short-lived, just five years later, women began to argue much less with their partners.
Those who managed to stay together for more than three decades found that their levels of happiness began to grow again, although for most it never reached the same levels as when they first got married.
Couples at this stage in their relationship also argued less than they had at any point in their marriage.
The researchers linked this upwards turn in emotion with the point when a couple's children reached the age of financial independence.