Now if you're using Facebook Messenger, the social network's chat feature, you can let the person you're talking to know how much you totally hate what they're saying via a blue thumbs down.
如果你现在正在使用Facebook Messenger(脸书桌面窗口聊天客户端)这一社交网络的聊天功能,那么你可以通过一个蓝色“大拇指向下”的表情,让跟你聊天的人知道,你有多么讨厌他们所说的话。
The "thumbs down" icon for Messenger comes in a newly-released pack of "stickers" available for free in Facebook's Sticker Store and was pointed out by the The Daily Dot on Wednesday. To get the stickers:
据《每日点报》(一个报导互联网新闻的报纸网站)上周三指出,这个“大拇指向下”的表情将包含在一个新发布的表情包中,可在脸书表情商店(Facebook's Sticker Store)免费下载。如何得到“表情”:
1. Go to the chat feature while browsing Facebook on the web or mobile.
2. Click the smiley logo in the bottom right of a chat window.
3. From there, click the shopping cart to open the "Sticker Store."
4. In the "Sticker Store," download the "Likes" pack of stickers.
5. Dislike away!
Check out "stickers" in the "Like" pack below.
Though long demanded by Facebook users as alternative to the "like," the dislike button has been shot down again and again by Facebook. "Actions on Facebook tend to focus on positive social interactions," Facebook engineer Bob Baldwin said during a Reddit AMA in April. "Like is the lightest-weight way to express positive sentiment. I don't think adding a light-weight way to express negative sentiment would be that valuable."
虽然脸书使用者们一直希望有一个“喜欢”按钮的替代选择,但是脸书把“不喜欢”按钮否决了一次又一次。脸书工程师鲍勃·鲍德温(Bob Baldwin)在四月的Reddit论坛(红迪网,社交新闻站点)AMA问答(Ask Me Anything)时表示:“脸书上的社交活动倾向于积极的社交互动。喜欢是表达积极情感中最无足轻重的的一种方式。我认为增加一种无足轻重的方式来表达消极情感是没有价值的。”
There's also the potential horror show (for Facebook) of users "disliking" all the ads Facebook is now pushing to its users.
Though a fully functional dislike button -- that works outside of Messenger -- remains a fantasy for now, earlier this month Facebook engineers indicated that they had experimented with a "sympathize" button. The button would be more appropriate than "like" for when someone posts about a breakup, a death or even just a bad day.