China's achievements today, including several of the items on this list, can be credited to a deep sense of pragmatism, which assesses most situations by looking at the practical consequences of actions.
As Deng Xiaoping, architect of modern China, famously said: "It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice."
On a grassroots level, Chinese people embrace pragmatism on a daily basis.
The philosophy explains most of China's customs and cultural norms, including the gifting of hongbao (red envelopes filled with cash), the importance of maintaining guanxi (interpersonal relationships) and filial piety.
Calligraphy in China is an art form, a meditative practice, a scholarly pursuit and, nowadays, an investment.
With a rich tradition of calligraphy tracing back thousands of years, China reveres the works on paper by great masters, as well as the experimental new media calligraphic works of contemporary artists.
At auction, these calligraphic artworks routinely fetch millions of dollars, collected by connoisseurs around the world, such as the paper scroll "Gong Fu Tie," which sold for $8.2 million at Sotheby's New York in September 2013. The ancient work was written by the famous poet Su Shi and consists of just nine characters.
在拍卖会上,这些书法作品经常卖到数百万美元,为世界各地的鉴赏家收藏。如书法长卷“功甫帖”(Gong Fu Tie),2013年9月在纽约苏富比拍卖行(Sotheby's New York)以820万美元的价格拍出。它是古代著名诗人苏轼所写的作品,只有9个字。