Information technology has overtaken real estate as the cradle of the next generation of Chinese billionaires.
The rise of IT billionaires is exemplified byChina's new richest man, Jack Ma, founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba, whose personal wealth soared to $25 billion on the company's first day of trading.
2、李娜 Li Na
Li Na, winner of two Grand Slams and China's most successful tennis player, announced her retirement in September.
Li Na wasn't just a Chinese trailblazer, she was one of the best players ever to play the sport, but injuries caught up with her in 2014 and she had to say farewell, leaving a big gap in Chinese tennis.
Li left a legacy, not just forChina, but for Asia as well.
3、筷子兄弟 Chopsticks Brothers
China's Internet pop sensation the Chopsticks Brothers, whose viral hitLittle Applehas been viewed more than a billion times on China's popular video websites, won the International Song Award at the 2014 American Music Awards in Nov 23.
筷子兄弟在中国互联网流行乐坛引发轰动,神曲《小苹果》在中国最流行的视频网站上点击量超过10亿次。11月23日,他们凭借该曲在2014全美音乐奖中荣获“年度最佳国际流行音乐奖”(the International Song Award)。
Although the song was generally dismissed by music professionals who criticized it as musical "junk food",Little Apple's domestic popularity paved the way for the duo to become international hit.
Ma has passed Li Ka-shing, the Hong Kong property and ports tycoon, as Asia's richest person, according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index.