VIENNA — The oil cartel OPEC decided on Thursday not to cut petroleum production, despite the plunge in prices in recent months that has indicated the diminishing clout of the organization.
On news of the decision by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, the price of Brent crude oil, a global benchmark, fell an additional $4 to a four-year low of about $73. American crude dropped below $70, an even more significant threshold.
A more than 30 percent decline in prices in recent months has shaken the 12-member group. For three years, OPEC had little trouble keeping prices in the $100-a-barrel range that many of its members consider satisfactory.
But markets have spun out of OPEC’s control of late. Prices have come under pressure as global output of crude oil outstripped demand this year. Analysts forecast excess supplies of crude to continue to build in 2015.
The main new source of supply is oil extracted from shale in the United States, which is expected to add about one million barrels a day of oil production this year and an additional one million barrels a day in 2015.
OPEC seems at a loss about how to cope with this new source of competition and is also struggling to influence other big producers outside the organization like Russia and Brazil. Unable to come up with a strategy for handling these new developments, the cartel has decided not to intervene, evidently hoping that low prices will eventually curb production in the United States.
The price decline “does not mean we should really rush and do something," OPEC’s secretary general, Abdalla El-Badri, told reporters after the meeting here on Thursday. “We don’t want to panic,” he said. “We want to see how the market behaves.”
油价下跌“并不意味着我们应该急着采取什么行动”,周四在维也纳召开会议之后,OPEC秘书长阿卜杜拉·萨利姆·巴德里(Abdalla El-Badri)告诉记者。“我们不想慌了阵脚,”他说。“我们想要看看市场的反应。”
Even though lower prices will hurt oil producers in the United States, the American economy will probably benefit as consumers have more money to spend and companies’ energy bills decline. Europe and Japan, both large oil importers, are also likely to get a boost from lower prices, although in Europe high taxes on energy limit gains for consumers.
Lower prices, on the other hand, could be very painful for OPEC producers, who depend heavily on oil revenue.
Some of the world’s largest exporters of oil, including Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela, are members of OPEC. The group meets at least a couple of times a year, usually in Vienna, where the organization has its headquarters, but sometimes more often to discuss and try to manage the global oil markets.
While Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have each stashed away hundreds of billions of dollars in savings to buffer the effects of lower prices, Iran, Algeria and Venezuela, for example, will struggle to finance their government budgets at current price levels, according to a recent study by Rachel Ziemba, an analyst at Roubini Global Economics.
鲁比尼全球经济咨询公司(Roubini Global Economics)分析师蕾切尔·津巴(Rachel Ziemba)最近的一项研究表明,尽管沙特阿拉伯、科威特和阿拉伯联合酋长国各自均已积攒了数千亿美元的储蓄,以缓冲价格走低带来的影响,但伊朗、阿尔及利亚和委内瑞拉等国,将难以在目前的油价水平上为政府预算筹集资金。
Venezuela and some other producers badly wanted a cut to prop up prices and will be bitterly disappointed by the meeting’s outcome.
Analysts say that Thursday’s announcement signals a radical change on the part of OPEC. Bhushan Bahree, an OPEC analyst at the market research IHS firm, called the announcement “a major tactical shift.” For decades OPEC has intervened to manage oil prices, cutting production when necessary. “Now they are defending volume and letting the rest take care of itself,” he said.
分析人士称,周四的通告表明,OPEC发生了巨大的变化。市场研究公司IHS的OPEC分析师布尚·巴里(Bhushan Bahree)称通告是“一个重大的战术转变”。数十年来,为了管理油价,OPEC一直从中干预,在必要时削减产量。“现在它们捍卫产量,其他的顺其自然,”他说。
Analysts say that at least some OPEC powers appear to have recognized that lower prices may prevail for a considerable time. In that situation, the organization needs to work on regaining market share.
While exports of crude oil from the United States are still restricted, the surge in output is being felt on global markets as a result of the increased export of refined petroleum products like gasoline.
American imports from OPEC and elsewhere have also been sharply reduced, forcing OPEC producers to compete for the remaining markets in Asia and Europe. Iran, for instance, is storing as much as 100,000 barrels a day on tankers because it is unable to find markets.
Analysts say the surge in supply from the United States poses particular challenges to OPEC because there is little the producers’ group can do but hope that lower prices will eventually discourage investment in drilling in the United States, thus reducing production.