TOKYO—Police officers and firefighters rescued almost two dozen people, including a 2-year-old infant, from beneath their collapsed houses on Sunday, a day after a powerful earthquake shook mountainous central Japan. At least 40 people were injured, but no fatalities were reported.
The police said hundreds of people were forced to find shelter in school gyms and other evacuation centers after the magnitude-6.7 quake struck near the city of Nagano on Saturday night. The police said at least 34 homes collapsed near the ski resort town of Hakuba, where some of the worst damage was concentrated.
Many more buildings were damaged, and the police warned of additional landslides caused by aftershocks. When it struck Saturday, the earthquake caused landslides that cut off roads and isolated residents, according to Japan’s Kyodo News Agency.
还有更多建筑遭到了损毁。此外,警方提醒说,余震可能会引发泥石流。据日本共同社(Kyodo News Agency of Japan)报道,周六地震发生时就引发了泥石流,并导致道路受阻,民众被困。
The police said rescuers in and near Hakuba had found 21 people trapped in their collapsed homes, including the infant, who was uninjured. Television footage showed police officers going door to door to make sure everyone was accounted for.
In other areas where there was less damage to buildings, the police said that the most serious injuries appeared to be blows to the head or broken bones caused by falling furniture and “butsudan,” household Buddhist shrines that are mounted on walls.
Strong shocks were also felt at the nearby Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant, which had suffered light damage seven years ago from a similarly strong earthquake. This time, no damage was found, though alarms did sound at the pools holding spent fuel rods, said the plant’s operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company.
附近的柏崎刈羽核电站也有强烈震感。在七年前的一场类似强度的地震中,该核电站轻微受损。这一次,核电站的运营商东京电力公司(Tokyo Electric Power Company)称,尽管存放乏燃料棒的水池的警报的确响了,但尚未发现受损情况。
The plant’s seven nuclear reactors were not online because all of Japan’s nuclear reactors have been shut down since the 2011 accident at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, which is several hundred miles northeast of the epicenter of Saturday’s earthquake.