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A Full Night's Sleep Can Really Pay Off-in Salary and Investments


The typical picture of a corporate highflier is someone who survives on very little sleep. He or she rises when it is still dark, works late and is still answering emails at two o'clock in the morning.


Such people do exist, of course. The late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, for example, was famous for operating on a few hours' sleep. Some entrepreneurs and Wall Street traders seem to follow suit.

当然,世界上确实有这样的人。比如,已故英国首相撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)就以每天只睡几小时而知名。一些企业家和华尔街交易员似乎也跟风效仿。

But if you think you need to do the same thing to get ahead, think again. A growing body of research is finding that, on the contrary, those who get a good night's sleep are usually more productive at work. They think more clearly, quickly and creatively than those trying to get by on a few hours' rest and a gallon of caffeine.


That's because sleep doesn't just rest the brain, say medical specialists. It allows the brain to perform vital maintenance and restoration tasks. Brains that get too little sleep simply cannot perform as well as those that are rested.


'There's no doubt that sleep deprivation affects job performance,' says the Detroit Medical Center's Safwan Badr, a former president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. 'The evidence is compelling that when you do not get enough sleep...you are not as productive.'

现供职于底特律医疗中心(Detroit Medical Center)、曾任美国睡眠医学会(American Academy of Sleep Medicine)会长的巴德尔(Safwan Badr)表示,毫无疑问,睡眠不足会影响工作表现。他说,有非常具有说服力的证据显示当你睡眠不足的时候,效率会下降。

Investors, Take Heed


Investors should also take heed: Numerous studies have found that those running on too little sleep tend to make poorer investment decisions and take needless risks as well.


Charles Czeisler, a sleep specialist at Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, agrees. 'Missing a night's sleep degrades our neurobehavioral performance'-that is, our mental acuity-'by the equivalent to being legally drunk,' he says. And, he warns, this doesn't only apply if you miss one night's sleep completely; you'll see similar effects if you simply sleep too little each night over time.

波士顿Brigham & Women's Hospital的睡眠专家蔡斯勒(Charles Czeisler)同意这种观点。他说:一晚上没睡会将我们的神经行为表现(即灵敏度)降低到法定醉酒的水平。他还提醒说,不仅是整晚没睡会出现这样的情况,如果长期以来一直睡眠过少也会产生类似的影响。

For the first time, new research has attempted to put some numbers on the link between more Zzzs and more Benjamins. Matthew Gibson and Jeffrey Shrader, graduate researchers in the economics department of the University of California, San Diego, compared wage data with sleep times recorded in the U.S. Census Bureau's American Time Use Survey. Their conclusion: For those who are sleeping too little, 'a one-hour increase in long-run average sleep increases wages by 16%, equivalent to more than a year of schooling.'

新的研究也首次尝试将睡眠时间与赚钱之间的关系数据化。吉布森(Matthew Gibson)与施雷德(Jeffrey Shrader)是加州大学圣迭戈分校(University of California, San Diego)经济系的研究人员。吉布森与施雷德将工资数据与美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)所做的美国人时间使用调查(American Time Use Survey)中的睡眠数据进行了对比。他们得出的结论是,对于睡眠时间过少的人来说,长期平均睡眠时间每增加1小时,工资便会增加16%,这种增幅相当于返回学校重念一年多书的效果。

Adults need eight hours of sleep on average, experts say. There is some variation between individuals, but it is far less than many think. Many of those who think they can be just as productive with a lot less are fooling themselves, he says. In round numbers, the percentage of adults who can really get by on five hours or less per night 'is about zero,' says Dr. Czeisler.


It's easy to be fooled. Research suggests that tired professionals are still able to go through the motions of their jobs-such as sitting in meetings, understanding reports, and performing the kinds of routine professional tasks they usually undertake.


Modern corporations often push key employees to go short on sleep, demanding they work longer hours and stay in touch late at night. But sleep loss impairs higher-level brain skills.


When we are tired, we find it much harder to think innovatively and to make creative leaps, say researchers. We find it harder to adapt our thinking to new information or to learn new lessons. We struggle to make good judgments in very ambiguous situations. We are also more vulnerable to mood swings, more irritable and less able to get along with others.


Consider: At England's Loughborough University in 1999, researchers Yvonne Harrison and James Horne tested the effects of sleep deprivation on a small group of healthy young participants. They were given complex business-situation tasks in the form of a game, as well as some critical reading tasks. Those who went short on sleep were able to keep up with the reading, they found. But when it came to the complex game, 'their play collapsed,' they reported.

一个例子。1999年,英格兰拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)的研究人员哈里森(Yvonne Harrison)和霍恩( James Horne)测试了睡眠不足对一小组健康年轻人的影响。这些参加测试的人要以游戏的方式完成复杂的商业环境下的任务以及一些重要的阅读任务。研究人员发现,那些睡眠不足的人在阅读方面还能跟得上,但到复杂游戏时,他们的游戏就进行不下去了。

'Herd Mentality'


In other words, if you're a white-collar professional, sleep loss may not get you fired. But it may be stopping you from doing the things that would get you a promotion. It may even help explain the 'herd mentality' often seen on Wall Street.


Yet even as more of us are working in jobs that require innovative and creative thinking, we are getting less and less sleep.


We get far less sleep than our grandparents, say specialists. Dr. Czeisler says 20% to 30% of workers sleep less than six hours a night during the week. Fifty years ago, he says, the number was around 2% to 3%.


Experts blame electric lights, alarm clocks, and now the Internet and smartphones.


'If you need an alarm clock to wake you up, by definition, you're not getting enough sleep,' warns Dr. Czeisler. Some patients tell him they keep their smartphones by their bedside table so they can check emails last thing at night, first thing in the morning, and in the middle of the night if they wake up.


His verdict: 'It's insane.'



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