导读:近一周时间,北京等地遭遇严重雾霾天气,PM 2.5持续爆表。从气象部门获悉,随着“风雨”的来临,这场雾霾即将散去。而在这之前,让我们一起来重温一下曾经的蓝天白云吧!
"The longest distance in the world is not between life and death, but between you and me when I hold your hand in the street but cannot see your face," is a joke that circulated online.
Sadly, it`s not a joke anymore. With smog constantly shrouding many cities in China, chances are that you may not even remember the good old days when the sky was much clearer and the air fresher.
A corner watchtower of the Forbidden City, Beijing.