WASHINGTON — Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, offered a long-shot option on Thursday to revive the moribund effort to overhaul the nation’s immigration laws that would require the support of more than a dozen House Republicans — and, if nothing else, pressure others to act on an election-year issue that Tea Party-aligned members strongly oppose.
华盛顿——周四,来自纽约州的民主党参议员查尔斯·E·舒默(Charles E. Schumer)提出了一种希望渺茫的选择,以求重启陷入停滞的全面改革移民法的努力。这种选择将需要获得至少十几位共和党众议员的支持,而且最起码还要敦促其他人在一个亲茶党议员强烈反对的选举年议题上有所作为。
The legislative maneuver, known as a discharge petition, would allow supporters of overhauling the nation’s immigration laws to circumvent the Republican majority in the House by bringing the measure directly to the House floor, bypassing the regular committee process. It is a rarely successful tactic, though it was used in 2002 to eventually win passage of a major campaign finance law.
Mr. Schumer, who was one of the architects of a broad-based rewriting of immigration laws that passed the Senate in June, accused House Republicans of trying to “sweep this issue under the rug,” and added, “In the next few months you’re going to see increased pressure, and the discharge petition is one such way.”
Lawmakers and aides in both parties say that a discharge petition, especially one coming from Mr. Schumer, whose views are strongly opposed by many House conservatives, is unlikely to succeed. Even if all House Democrats supported the measure, it would still require more than a dozen Republican signatures.
“This scheme has zero chance of success. A clear majority in the House understands that the massive Senate-passed bill is deeply flawed,” said Michael Steel, a spokesman for Speaker John A. Boehner. “That’s why we will continue to work on step-by-step, common-sense reform.”
“这种伎俩成功的可能性为零。众议院的明显多数认为,参议院通过的议案存在重大瑕疵,”众议院议长约翰·A·博纳(ohn A. Boehner)的发言人迈克尔·斯蒂尔(Michael Steel)说。“正因为如此,我们将继续致力于符合常识的、一步一个脚印的改革。”
Mr. Boehner, who had offered a set of principles to his caucus to try to advance immigration legislation at a recent retreat, all but conceded a week later that the measure was dead this year.
The Senate bill included a path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants already in the country, and House Republicans have largely dismissed it as “amnesty.” They prefer to take on the issue in a piecemeal approach through a series of narrower bills.
But Mr. Schumer’s strategy accomplishes an important goal of Democrats and immigration advocates: It keeps the pressure on Mr. Boehner and his fellow Republicans to move forward on at least some sort of an immigration overhaul, and serves as a cudgel for Democrats, especially looking toward the 2016 presidential elections.
Even those who would support the discharge petition, or at least the idea of passing broad immigration legislation, privately acknowledge it is more about a tactical political advantage than a viable legislative option.
“Discharge petitions are difficult, but when they work, it’s because there’s a clear majority of the body that supports a specific proposal, and in this case, that is true,” Mr. Schumer said. “But I have no illusions that this will be easy in any way.”
J. Dennis Hastert, Republican of Illinois who was speaker the last time a discharge petition succeeded, was critical of the tactic. “I have always been an advocate of regular order,” Hastert said. “Discharges, I believe, lead to poor results.”
放行请愿上次成功,要追溯到来自伊利诺伊州的共和党人J·丹尼斯·哈斯泰特(J. Dennis Hastert)担任众议院议长期间。他本人对此策略持批评态度。“我始终倡导常规程序,”哈斯泰特说。“放行的话,我认为,会导致糟糕的结局。”
Coming on the heels of a “clean” debt ceiling vote this week, which Mr. Boehner put on the House floor on Tuesday knowing it would pass only with a majority of Democratic votes, Mr. Schumer’s suggestion also serves as a test of just how far Mr. Boehner is willing to push his conference and buck outside conservative activists. Mr. Boehner has already, six times in the past 14 months, violated the unofficial House Republican credo that legislation should pass the House only with a majority of the majority, and a discharge could potentially provide him the opportunity to do so on immigration.
Yet that option remains highly unlikely. Representative Charlie Dent, a Republican moderate from Pennsylvania and a supporter of moving forward on immigration, said a discharge petition has “zero” chance of accumulating the Republican signatures it would need. Even Republicans like him, who favor action, would not sign on to a petition requesting consideration of the Senate-passed bill, because they do not support it on policy grounds.
然而,放行请愿的选项仍是极为不现实的。宾夕法尼亚州的共和党温和派众议员查利·登特(Charlie Dent)支持推进移民改革。他表示,放行请愿攒出所需的共和党人签名数的可能性为“零”。就连他这种倾向于有所行动的共和党人,也不会在要求考虑参议院已通过提案的请愿书上签字,因为他们与这份提案存在政策上的分歧。
During the 16-day government shutdown in October, Democrats circulated a discharge petition to reopen the government — a maneuver that was seen as far more urgent and, in theory, had far more support. But Republicans refused to sign, said Mr. Dent, who led the House Republicans trying to end the shutdown.
Now, the same Republicans who support action on immigration would not betray Mr. Boehner. “It means you’re putting a thumb in the eye of the speaker, not just in this issue but any issue,” Mr. Dent said. “You’re essentially handing control of the floor to the minority party.”
The speaker’s decision this week to put a debt ceiling increase to a vote without preconditions was meant to get past a divisive issue so Republicans could regain their focus on the issues that unite them, especially opposition to President Obama’s health care law. It was “pulling the bandage from the scab and doing it fast,” Mr. Dent said, adding that Republicans were not about to do the same thing with immigration anytime soon.