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Guangzhou, November 10 - The opening ceremony of the 16th Asian Games Youth Camp, an important cultural event for the Asiad, was staged in University Town International Hotel, South China University of Technology on Wednesday afternoon. Over 100 youths from 28 countries and regions of Asia gathered in Guangzhou to start a fabulous tour of 12 days.


Distinguished guests and members of the 16th Asian Games Youth Camp pose for a group photo at the opening ceremony on November 10.


Husain A H Z Al-Musallam,Director General of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), Fang Xuan, Member of the Command Centre of the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games and Asian Para Games, and Ye Xiquan, Deputy Secretary General of the Guangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee (GAGOC) were present at the opening ceremony. Husain A H Z Al-Musallam read out the letter of congratulation by President of OCA Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah and unveiled the theme statue of the Camp with Mr Fang.


OCA Director General Husain A H Z Al-Musallam (left) and Fang Xuan, Member of the Command Centre of the Guangzhou 2010 Asian Games and Asian Para Games, unveil the theme statue of the Camp.

The Youth Camp is an integral part of the Olympic Games as well as Asian Games. It is an educational and cultural exchange programme under the Olympic flag for young people. The goal of Youth Camp is to spread the Olympic spirit, showcase the culture, history and customs of the host country and the host city, facilitate the friendship and the interaction among young people from all over Asia, and create a unique Games experience for them.

Camp member Lin Siyun says pleasantly, "It's a great honour for me. I'll try my best to showcase the good image of Chinese youth to the entire Asia."

Statistics say that the Youth Camp will launch the following activities: watching the Opening Ceremony and some matches of the Asian Games, participating in the Torch Relay and the Pearl River Night Cruise, experiencing traditional Chinese arts as well as communicating with fellow members of the Camp.


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