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Polish Crash Probe Nears Completion

The investigation into the April plane crash that killed Poland's president and 95 others is close to finished, with the remaining focus on whether the Polish air force chief's presence in the cockpit contributed to pilot error, said the top Polish official involved.

Investigators have now confirmed that one of the passengers, Gen. Andrzej Blasik, was in the cockpit with the door open as the pilots approached the runway in thick fog around Smolensk, in western Russia. Investigators also say the crew of the presidential Tupolev-154 delayed trying to lift the plane for 13 seconds after an alarm warned them they were too close to the ground.
事故调查人员已证实,飞行员在浓雾中接近俄罗斯西部斯摩棱斯克机场跑道时,当时同机的空军总司令布拉斯基(Andrzej Blasik)就在驾驶舱里,而驾驶舱的门是开着的。调查人员还说,这架图-154总统专机的机组人员在接到飞机离地面太近的警报后,拉升飞机的动作延迟了13秒。

'Pretty much everything is clear right now and nearly all evidence has been gathered,' with just some background noise on the voice recordings still to be deciphered 'if possible,' said Edmund Klich, head of the Polish body that investigates civil-aviation disasters, in a phone interview from Moscow. The final report should be released within weeks, Mr. Klich said.
波兰民用飞机事故机构负责人科利奇(Edmund Klich)在莫斯科接受电话采访时说,一切事情差不多马上就清楚了,几乎所有的证据已收集齐了。只有声音记录中某些背景噪音,仍待最终解析。科利奇说,最终报告应在数周内予以公布。

President Lech Kaczynski, his wife and a high-level delegation were en route to commemorate the World War II Katyn forest massacre of thousands of Polish officers by Russian agents when their plane crashed April 10, killing everyone on board. Mr. Klich said those on board were subjected to forces of 100 times gravity on impact.
乘坐这架飞机的波兰总统卡钦斯基(Lech Kaczynski)夫妇以及一个高层访问团当时是为了参加卡廷惨案的纪念活动,悼念二战时被苏联军队在卡廷森林中杀害的数千名波兰军官。这架总统专机于4月10日坠毁,机上所有人员无一生还。科利奇说坠机时机上成员承受的冲击力相当于100倍自身重力。

The disaster wiped out Poland's top military command and sank the nation into mourning. Moscow's sensitive handling of the tragedy also boosted reconciliation between the two ancient rivals.

The outcome of the joint Russian-Polish crash probe remains politically charged, however, with just weeks to go before Polish presidential elections, which are set for June 20. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the late president's twin, is running in his brother's place. Mr. Kaczynski is trailing his main opponent, Bronislaw Komorowski, in opinion polls.
不过,鉴于波兰总统选举即将于几周后的6月20日举行,波俄坠机事故调查小组所做出的结论仍有可能在政治上受到挑战。前总统的孪生兄弟雅罗斯瓦夫•卡钦斯基(Jaroslaw Kaczynski)正在竞选总统。民调显示,卡钦斯基现在落后于他的主要竞争对手科莫罗斯基(Bronislaw Komorowski)。

There has been persistent speculation in Poland and Russia that President Kaczynski may have pressured the pilots to land. In August 2008, during the war between Russia and Georgia, he gave orders to the military pilot flying his presidential aircraft to land in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. The pilot refused.

One other passenger on the doomed Tupolev, still not identified, entered the cockpit 16 minutes before the crash, Mr. Klich said. Polish media have carried unconfirmed reports that the person was a presidential aide, asking if the crew would land on time for the president to make it to the commemoration.

'There's no specific command to land on the record,' said Mr. Klich. 'Psychologists will have to assess the stress levels the pilots were subjected to.' That review is a part of the investigation that remains to be completed, he said.

The Tupolev's pilots ignored multiple warnings from the Smolensk control tower that visibility was poor and they should divert. Just four minutes from impact, another Polish flight crew already on the ground told the pilots that horizontal visibility at the airport was down to 200 meters, and vertical visibility was just 50 meters, according to details recently released by investigators in Moscow.


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