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Indian investors were thrilled to hear that veteran American investor Warren Buffett is planning to visit India in March next year.
美国投资大师沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)将于明年3月份访问印度的消息让该国投资者欣喜若狂。


What isn't as widely known is that Mr. Buffett's revelation came thanks to a 12-year-old Indian-American girl from Los Angeles.
不过人们大多不知道促使巴菲特做出这一决定的是家住洛杉矶的12岁印度裔小女孩萨布瑞娜•楚芙(Sabrina Chugh)。

Sabrina Chugh was one of about 40,000 people who attended the annual shareholder meeting of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Mr. Buffett's company, on Saturday. A lottery selected a handful of shareholders who could ask Mr. Buffett, the world's third-richest man, a question.
萨布瑞娜是上周六参加伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway Inc.)年度股东大会的约四万名投资者之一。大会抽签选出了几位幸运者,可以向在全球财富排行榜上位居第三的巴菲特提问。

Sabrina says she was nervous when she was under the spotlight although her father, lawyer Navneet Chugh, had helped her prepare the question in advance. Since then the proud father has been trying to make sure his daughter's moment with the billionaire from Omaha doesn't get overlooked.
萨布瑞娜说,尽管爸爸已经预先准备好了问题,但当聚光灯照来时自己还是很紧张。萨布瑞娜的爸爸纳维尼特•楚芙(Navneet Chugh)是个律师,从那以后,这位骄傲的父亲就一直努力保证女儿向巴菲特提问一事不要被人们忽略了。

'I didn't think I would ask it,' said Sabrina in an interview by telephone from California on Wednesday.

Here's an account of what happened, according to Sabrina, her father and two other people who attended the meeting:

Sabrina began by greeting Mr. Buffett and his partner Charlie Munger as 'Warren and Charlie Uncle,' and explained she was addressing them that way 'because my parents are from India, and we have to call anybody older than us 'uncle' or 'auntie'.'
首先,萨布瑞娜分别用“沃伦叔叔”和“查理叔叔”的称谓向巴菲特和他的搭档查理•芒格(Charlie Munger)问好,她随后解释说自己的父母来自印度,必须对年长于自己的人称呼“叔叔”或“阿姨”。

Mr. Buffett suggested she had better call him 'great-uncle' instead (Mr. Buffett is 79 years old).

Sabrina identified herself and went on to say that India has 17% of the world's population and its economy has been growing at 7% to 8% a year.

'At this rate it will surpass U.S. GDP in 2043,' she said. 'Can you please tell me, why aren't you investing in India?'

Mr. Buffett and Mr. Munger told Sabrina that they had looked at India and have India connections - referring to Ajit Jain, who heads Berkshire's reinsurance businesses. But they feel stymied by the cap in place on foreign investment in insurance companies in India. Insurance and reinsurance are Berkshire's main businesses.
巴菲特和芒格对萨布瑞娜说,他们一直在关注印度,并拥有与印度的纽带,他们所指的是伯克希尔哈撒韦再保险业务的掌门人阿吉特•杰安(Ajit Jain)。不过他们说,印度对外资在保险业中的投资设有上限,这给他们带来了障碍。伯克希尔哈撒韦的主要业务是保险和再保险业。

Still, one of Berkshire's companies, Israel's Iscar Metalworking Co., does have business dealings in India, which is partly why Mr. Buffett is planning to come here next year.
不过,伯克希尔哈撒韦旗下的以色列公司Iscar Metalworking在印度拥有业务,这也是巴菲特计划明年访问印度的原因之一。

Even though Mr. Buffett doesn't invest in India, he has met many Indian CEOs over the years.

'He's quite familiar with many of the larger business leaders in India,' says Mohnish Pabrai, a California money manager and a disciple of Mr. Buffett who attended the Berkshire meeting and witnessed the exchange.
加州投资经理帕巴瑞(Mohnish Pabrai)说,巴菲特对许多印度大型企业的领导人都相当熟悉。作为巴菲特信徒的帕巴瑞也参加了伯克希尔哈撒韦的股东大会、见证了巴菲特与萨布瑞娜之间的交流。

Mr. Pabrai discussed India at a lunch with Mr. Buffett that he won in 2007 after bidding $650,000 along with his partner Guy Spier. The money went to a nonprofit organization. Indian-born Mr. Pabrai called it a small 'guru dakshina,' or an offering to one's teacher.
帕巴瑞曾在2007年时与巴菲特讨论过印度的问题。当时帕巴瑞和自己的合作伙伴斯皮耶尔(Guy Spier)为赢得与巴菲特共进午餐的机会掏出了65万美元,这些钱后来交给了一个非营利慈善机构。出生于印度的帕巴瑞说,这笔钱不算多,只是交给老师的学费。

Mr. Pabrai thinks that Mr. Buffett's visit next year will be great for India. He said the main driver for Mr. Buffett's interest in the country 'is to participate in the massive growth that is coming.'


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