1.是不是bad luck,黑猫自己都不懂了
Black cats still grace many Halloween decorations. Although nowadays, in most parts of the UK, people think it’s actually good luck for a black cat to cross your path, and it’s really ancient to say that black cats are symbols of bad luck. But far back in the Dark Ages, when witch hunts were still commonplace, solitary women are often accused of witchcraft, and their most common partners, pet cats were said to be given by the devil. Another version of the medieval myth told that Satan turned himself into a cat when socializing with witches. So out of nowhere, black cats became bad luck. Fortunately, through centuries, those poor little things probably don’t even care about it.
2)witch hunt的本意就是猎巫,在中世纪被宗教严格控制的西方世界曾经一度流行。但在现在说起witch hunt,也有政治迫害这层含义。
3)commonplace 平常的,常见的
5)out of nowhere是指莫名其妙的出现,不知道从哪冒出来的。例如:
That TV show really popped out of nowhere.
2. 南瓜灯的前身竟然是……萝卜灯?
The whole thing about Halloween is actually made up by the Americans. It’s not even called Halloween in the European countries. To start with, Jack-o’-lanterns would be a perfect proof. These carved pumpkins, are made to guide lost souls or protect from evil spirits. And the namesake, Jack, who basically, pissed off the devil, and were condemned by him to spend forever in hell. But this naughty boy won’t let it go, and tried to use the turnip, a kind of vegie that looks like radish, that the devil tossed at him, to make a lantern, and guide himself out of hell. Now we are actually talking about the Irish version of Jack-o’-lanterns, it’s after the potato famine, when Irish people were forced to flee to America, they brought this custom there, except one thing is different – they started to use pumpkins to replace turnips, because those things are “hard to find in North America.” Heil pumpkins!
1)to start with这个短语在罗列或者举例的时候放在第一条前面,写作文必备啊对不对。例如:
Troye Sivan is like the chosen one. He’s got everything. To start with, if I got a face like his, I’ll just stare at the mirror and grin all day.
2)namesake 同名的。比如妮妮Robert Downey Jr.和他老爸Robert Downey就互为namesake
3)piss off somebody是把某人惹毛,气炸的意思。
Halloween is actually created from the old Gaelic holiday Samhain. If you know the word Samhain, you probably know what it stands for. It means the day when the veil between our world and the ghost world is thinnest, and the ghosts of the deceased could mingle with the living. So in order to fool them and make them believe we’re one of them, we put on all kinds of scary costumes and act like ghoul. This way they won’t take our soul away.
1)stand for的义项很多,意义也是差的天上地下……在这里就是是代表,有……含义的意思。另外它还可以表示忍受,还有主张,拥护的意思
2)mingle with本意是混入,加入,现在常用来指交往,交际。比如在party上,想要玩得开心,就要努力mingle,挤人群呀