合理的人不会断言穆斯林在融入西方社会方面没有问题。撰写《为什么传统基督教社会的穆斯林融合会失败》(Why Muslim Integration Fails in Christian-Heritage Societies)一书的社会学家团队写道:在法国《费加罗报》(Le Figaro) 2012年所做的一项调查中,43%的受访者认为该国的穆斯林群体构成“对法国国家认同的威胁”,而2013年德国的一项调查显示,51%的受访者认为伊斯兰教对他们的生活方式构成威胁。同年,在BBC广播一台(BBC Radio 1)对1000名英国18至24岁的青年进行的调查中,27%的受访者称自己不信任穆斯林(相比之下,不信任印度教徒或锡克教徒的比例为16%,不信任犹太人的比例为15%,不信任佛教徒的比例为13%,不信任基督徒的比例为12%)。
Disentangling the complex of attitudes behind such findings is the project of Claire Adida,David Laitin and Marie-Anne Valfort in this book — no easy task in the case of the French,among whom most of the research was undertaken. France’s culture of laïcité, a type of radicalpublic secularism with roots in the absolutism of the ancien régime and the anticlericalcampaigns that followed the revolution, means that the investigation of faith and religiouspractice poses methodological challenges far greater than would be met in a more explicitlypluralist society such as the US or even Britain, where ethnic backgrounds and public religiosityare better understood and celebrated. As the authors explain, French republican ideology hasno interest in “knowing the ethnic past of any of its citizens”, an attitude that applies — afortiori — to their religious beliefs or backgrounds.
解读此类调查结果背后的复杂态度是克莱尔•阿迪达(Claire Adida)、大卫•莱廷(David Laitin)及玛丽-安妮•瓦尔福特(Marie-Anne Valfort)在本书中的课题,但要在这方面分析法国人(本书的多数研究是在法国人中进行的)绝非易事。相对于美国、甚至英国等更加明显多元化的社会(这里的种族背景和公共宗教得到更好的理解和赞美),法国的政教分离文化(一种激进的公共世俗主义,源自旧制度的绝对主义及大革命后的反教权运动)意味着,对法国信仰和宗教活动的调查会遭遇更大的方法论方面的挑战。正如三位作者解释的,法国的共和主义意识形态对“了解任何公民的种族过往”毫无兴趣,这种态度更加适用于他们的宗教信仰或背景。
The idea of “equality through invisibility” is partly a consequence of the shame at thetreatment of Jews under the Vichy régime that “republicans do not let their nation forget”. A1978 law that remains in force, with some amendments, prohibits the collection or processingof data that reveal a person’s racial or ethnic origins, while class actions, common in the US,are not recognised under the French law of torts. Halde (La Haute Autorité de lutte contre lesdiscriminations et pour l’égalité), the state-funded anti-discrimination body that existed from2005 to 2011, was unable to establish general trends regarding discrimination based onethnicity due to lack of data, leaving its lawyers to deal with individual cases without supplyingmaterial pointing to general trends.
These caveats, dealt with somewhat oddly in an extended appendix, help to explain thescrupulous way the researchers approached their task of isolating attitudes concerningreligion, while discounting issues such as racial stereotyping or prejudices arising from France’scolonial history. For example, the researchers measured differences of response between twogroups of Senegalese participants, one Christian and one Muslim, vis-à-vis a sample of “rooted” (or third-generation) French people chosen randomly in the affluent 19th arrondissement ofParis. The two Senegalese groups, belonging to communities that became established inFrance in the 1970s, were alike in every respect save their religion, enabling researchers totease out attitudes that could be attributed to religion exclusive of race or ethnicity.
The results, while hardly surprising, are disturbing, to say the least. Their research, say theauthors, “confirms that Muslims qua Muslims are discriminated against” in France. In responsesto job applications, for example, one comparison revealed a 13-percentage-point difference incallback rates, suggesting that despite official laïcité, French employers “rely on signals aboutthe religious heritage of applicants and systematically discriminate against those — in thiscase Muslims — who are from a different religious heritage from that of the majority”.
Part of the prejudice, the authors argue, may be “rational” to the degree that the HRpersonnel perceive a threat to their company’s productivity or esprit de corps in Muslimreligious practices. But “non-rational” Islamophobia, based on “grotesquely exaggerated”feelings about Muslims, is just as important, indicating that “even if French recruitersconsidered Muslim candidates as strictly identical to Christian candidates in terms ofproductive characteristic, they would still discriminate against Muslims, out of puredistaste”. As a consequence, Muslim families in France are “significantly less endowed withincome than matched Christians”. The status quo is thus a “discriminatory equilibrium”,defined by the authors as “a vicious circle in which both [“rooted” French] and Muslims inFrance are acting negatively toward one another in ways that are mutually reinforcing”.
While some of this book’s description of workplace issues affecting Muslims are clearlyrelevant beyond France’s borders, the title seriously oversells its thesis. The religious culturesand church-state relations of countries in Europe and North America vary too greatly to becaptured by the all-embracing category of “Christian-heritage societies”. For example, whilethe authors make the case that Arab-Americans who are Muslims may face more prejudicethan their Christian counterparts, they make no reference to Muslims of mainly South Asianorigin who — along with Sikhs and Hindus — enjoy among the highest household incomes ofany immigrant group in the US. Canada, a “Christian-heritage society” where the Muslim SouthAsian minority expelled from Uganda in the 1970s has been highly successful, does not evenrate a mention in this book.
Nevertheless, the authors propose remedies that make obvious sense in France itself, such asimproving educational prospects for Muslims through affirmative action programmes. Whethersuch initiatives can be considered a realistic prospect in the wake of last year’s jihadi atrocitiesis another question; right now, the political climate is far from auspicious.