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Charlie Hebdo and the Assault on French Identity


Wednesday was the day when Michel Houellebecq’s latest novel, “Soumission” (Submission), hit the bookstores. It has been all Houellebecq all the time lately, as shrewd marketing from his publishing house made sure that this provocative book on France becoming an Islamic republic in 2022 would get prime-time coverage — and draw maximum controversy.

上周三是米歇尔·维勒贝克(Michel Houellebecq)最新小说《投降》(Soumission)在书店上架的日子。最近,维勒贝克曝光度很高,他的出版社开展了精明的市场营销活动,确保让这本内容富有挑衅性的作品获得黄金时段的报道——并引起最大程度的争议。这本书讲的是在2022年,法国成了一个伊斯兰共和国。

So Wednesday began with Mr. Houellebecq on morning radio, explaining that, contrary to what he said in 2010, Islam is not “the dumbest religion” after all, and that there is “space for negotiation.” Asked whether his novel was intended to scare people, he replied: “The scariest part of the novel is actually the part before the Muslims come to power.”


To Mr. Houellebecq, the “terrifying degree of contempt” in which, in his view, politicians, judges and journalists are now held in France, is much scarier than electing a decent Muslim president.


Mr. Houellebecq’s light and, at the same time, terribly serious comments were still resonating when, three hours later, two heavily armed men entered the newsroom of Charlie Hebdo and perpetrated the worst massacre Paris has witnessed in decades, killing 12 people. It soon became clear that the attackers had acted to punish those free spirits who not only dared to publish, almost 10 years ago, the cartoons of Muhammad printed in a Danish newspaper that had sparked deadly protests, but never backed down after.


So much for “space for negotiation.” A nation in shock soon forgot Mr. Houellebecq’s niceties about the advantages of “moderate Islam.” Radical Islam had taken over the news. Again.


An American colleague has asked me whether the attack on Charlie Hebdo was comparable to 9/11. There is a big difference: While this attack came as a shock to the French because of the target and the high number of casualties, it did not come exactly as a surprise. We have been living with this threat for a long time now.


We have witnessed other hideous terrorist crimes, like Mohammed Merah’s killing of seven people, including three children at a Jewish school, three years ago in three separate attacks in southwestern France. We’ve had journalists and NGO workers kidnapped and assassinated in Syria and Africa. We know that the involvement of French armed forces in the fight against Al Qaeda and the Islamic State in Africa and the Middle East — an involvement that enjoys broad popular support — makes us a target for revenge. We are wary of the success of the Islamic State’s recruiting campaigns in our mosques, which have sent more than 1,000 young French jihadis to the Syrian and Iraqi battlegrounds.

我们目睹了其他丑恶的恐怖主义罪行,比如三年前,穆罕默德·默拉(Mohammed Merah)在法国西南部三起独立的袭击事件中杀害了七个人,其中包括一所犹太学校的三名儿童。在叙利亚和非洲,我们已经有一些记者和非政府组织工作人员遭到绑架和暗杀。我们知道,法国军队参与了打击基地组织(Al Qaeda)和在非洲和中东地区打击伊斯兰国(Islamic State)的战斗——法国人普遍支持这种参与——我们因此成了报复的对象。伊斯兰国在法国清真寺里开展的招募活动很成功,已经令1000多名年轻的法国圣战者赶赴叙利亚和伊拉克战场,对此我们颇为警惕。

Yet we also have a big, quiet and nonradicalized Muslim community living among us. Islam is the second religion in France, behind Catholicism. France is home to the biggest Muslim community in Europe, as well as the biggest Jewish community. So in order to try to keep everybody reasonably happy together, we have promoted secularism, giving way to a new motto: Liberté, égalité, fraternité, laïcité.


This is the country where Muslim girls and Jewish boys can’t wear a veil or a yarmulke in public schools. Or where a couple is politely asked to leave if the woman declines to uncover her fully veiled face, as required by the law, during a performance of “La Traviata” at the Paris Opéra. It does not make us popular in the Arab world, but somehow it works at home: Muslim schoolgirls attend classes unveiled, and the couple left the Opéra without protesting.


But France is also the country of Charlie Hebdo. The 45-year-old satirical newspaper is quintessentially French, in its provocative irreverence, its not-so-tasteful yet very witty humor, its refusal to spare any taboo. The popularity of its cartoonists — the ones who were sprayed with bullets on Wednesday — extended well beyond Charlie Hebdo. They had created legendary characters for teenagers’ comic books and the gray pages of enlightened newspapers; they were regular guests on TV.


But the eccentric team at Charlie Hebdo stubbornly stood its ground when it started to receive threats after publishing the Muhammad cartoons. In 2011, after another devastating front page headlined “Charia Hebdo,” the newspaper’s offices were destroyed in an arson attack. The journalists moved over temporarily to Libération, then to new offices. Unbowed, however, they did not change a thing, giving equal treatment to rabbis, priests, imams, sports figures and politicians.

但《查理周报》的这个离奇团队,在刊登关于穆罕默德的漫画并收到威胁之后,仍然固执地坚守阵地。2011年,它推出了一个极为挑衅的头版,题为《伊斯兰教法周报》(Charia Hebdo),导致办公室遭到纵火破坏。记者们暂时搬到《解放报》(Libération)办公,之后又搬到新的办公室。但是,他们一如既往,给予拉比、牧师、阿訇、体育人物和政治家平等待遇。

“It may sound a bit pompous, but I’d rather die standing than live on my knees,” the newspaper’s editor, Stéphane Charbonnier, who was known as Charb, told Le Monde two years ago. On Wednesday, he died standing.

“这听起来有点像是夸夸其谈,但我宁愿站着死,也不愿跪着生,”周报编辑斯特凡纳·沙博尼耶(Stéphane Charbonnier),笔名沙博(Charb),两年前对《世界报》(Le Monde)说。上周三,他站着死去。

In a moving tribute on French TV, Robert Badinter, a former justice minister who led the fight to abolish the death penalty in 1981, said that these cartoonists, our beloved bad boys, were “true heroes” because they had been “soldiers of freedom.”

法国电视台播放了一场令人动容的悼念活动,前司法部长、1981年废除死刑活动的领导者罗伯特·巴丹泰(Robert Badinter)说,这些漫画家是我们心爱的坏男孩,是“真正的英雄”,因为他们是“自由战士”。

This is why the French are in shock. This is not blind terrorism. It is terrorism targeted at the heart of the French identity: Mohammed Merah targeted Jewish schools and Muslim immigrants who had joined the French Army because they were symbols of our diversity. The attackers on Wednesday targeted Charlie Hebdo because it is a symbol of our freedom.


So what should we do, torn between “moderate Islam” and “radical Islam”? How should we deal with Islam? The attack on Charlie Hebdo “is not only a crime, it is a trap,” warned Mr. Badinter. The trap, of course, is to confuse the two. Just like Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Front, who immediately stoked fears of “Islamic fundamentalism” as if it applied to the whole French Muslim community, and as if it were the principal issue.

那么,夹在“温和的伊斯兰教”和“激进的伊斯兰教”之间的我们应该怎么办?我们应该如何应对伊斯兰教?巴丹泰警告称,对《查理周报》的攻击“不仅是一场犯罪,还是一个圈套”。当然,这里的圈套是指混淆这两种伊斯兰教,就像国民阵线(National Front)的领导人马琳·勒庞(Marine Le Pen)那样。袭击过后,她立即煽动“伊斯兰教原教旨主义”恐慌,就好像这是一个主要问题,整个法国穆斯林群体都信奉原教旨主义一样。

We are obsessed with the rise of Islam. Like Mr. Houellebecq, French intellectuals can debate Islam and secularism for hours. “Le Suicide Français” (The French Suicide) — a book by Éric Zemmour, a political essayist whose views have been compared to those of Ms. Le Pen — has topped the best-seller list.

我们对伊斯兰教的崛起倾注了许多注意力。和维勒贝克一样,法国知识分子能就伊斯兰教和世俗主义讨论数小时。《法国的自杀》(Le Suicide Français)高居畅销书排行榜榜首。该书的作者是政论家埃里克·泽穆(Éric Zemmour),他的观点被拿来与勒庞的观点相提并论。


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