Too Many Hobbies? No Such Thing
Two years ago, Tyler Hays, the founder of the design company BDDW, bought the 106-year-old M. Crow general store in Lostine, Ore., which is near his hometown, Joseph, Ore. Under his direction, the shop has been selling organic produce and Filson bags as well as beer and cigarettes. This month it will introduce home products and apparel, too, most of which will be sold exclusively online.
两年前,BDDW设计公司的创始人泰勒·海斯(Tyler Hays) 买下了俄勒冈州洛斯廷市(Lostine, Ore.)的一家106年的老牌杂货店M. Crow,这家商店离他的家乡、俄勒冈州的约瑟夫市(Joseph)不远。在他的经营下,这家商店现在除了销售啤酒与香烟,还开始出售一些有机产品和 Filson品牌包。就在本月(2014年12月——译注),该店还将引进一些家居用品与服饰,其中多数只会在网上销售。
It’s quite a range.
“I’m known for high-end furniture but I have a lot of hobbies,” Mr. Hays said, referring to plans to sell clothing fabricated in his Philadelphia workshop, wool and cashmere blankets produced on his knitting machine, ceramics made with Lostine clay, a haircare line containing wax from his bees and even a log cabin kit.
“I used to tell my mom that I wanted to make everything in my life,” he said. “And I’m starting to do that.”