At Police Funeral for Officer Liu, Many Officers Turn Their Backs to de Blasio
For the second time in just over a week, a sea of pressed blue uniforms filled some of New York’s streets as Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered a eulogy for a police officer killed because of the badge he wore.
一周多以来,纽约的街道第二次被笔挺蓝色制服的海洋所淹没,与此同时,市长白思豪(Bill de Blasio)发表悼词,纪念一位因身上佩戴的警徽而遇害的警察。
And for the second time, hundreds of police officers crowded together in the rain turned their backs to television screens showing the the mayor’s remarks outside a funeral home in southern Brooklyn.
The silent show of disrespect came even after a request from the police commissioner, William J. Bratton, that officers not let their anger with the mayor distract from the funeral and the grieving family. And it came despite a meeting convened by Mr. de Blasio last week with police union officials in an effort to defuse the tension.
就在他们安静地做出上述不敬举动之前,警察局长威廉·J·布拉顿(William J. Bratton)还请求警员们不要让对市长的不满影响到葬礼和悲痛的家属。白思豪上周也与警察工会的官员召开了会议,试图缓和这种紧张关系。
On Sunday, the mayor praised the slain officer, Wenjian Liu, as an example of a “brave” and “kind” New Yorker who came to the city from China and followed his dream to join the Police Department.
周日,市长高度评价了遇难警察刘文健(Wenjian Liu),称他从中国来到纽约,追随自己的梦想加入了警察局,是“勇敢”而“善良”的纽约人的典范。
“We have lost a man who had embodied our city’s most cherished values,” the mayor said. “Detective Liu’s dream was clear and it was a noble one: to don the blue uniform, to pin on the badge, to dedicate himself to protecting and serving the city he loved.”
As he spoke, police officers from New York as well as some of those who joined them in mourning from around the country turned their backs.
Once Mr. de Blasio finished his remarks and Mr. Bratton started speaking, nearly all the officers who had their backs to the mayor turned around again into formation.
Officers Liu and Rafael Ramos, who were killed on Dec. 20 and posthumously promoted to detective, were shot in their parked patrol car in Brooklyn by a man who had announced on social media his intention to kill police officers. Their murders shook a city already roiled by weeks of protests over policing practices and devastated an already demoralized Police Department.
12月20日遇害并追授为一级探员的刘文健和拉斐尔·拉莫斯(Rafael Ramos),是在布鲁克林遇害的,他们当时正坐在停着的巡逻车里。射杀他们的男子此前曾在社交媒体上扬言要杀警察。他们的死震动了这个已经因为数周的抗议活动而不安的城市,也重创了警察局业已低落的士气。
On Sunday, thousands of New York police officers mixed in the closed streets around the Aievoli Funeral Home in southern Brooklyn with throngs from the Chinese-American community to which Officer Liu belonged.
周日,数千名纽约警察来到布鲁克林南部的万寿殡仪馆(Aievoli Funeral Home)附近的街道上,与刘文健警官所属的华裔社区的民众混杂在一起。
Blue bows adorned trees and telephone poles. Firefighters hung giant flags from the side of a building along with a banner of support. On a bagel shop storefront across from the funeral home, a message written in Chinese read: “Officer Wenjian Liu will live in our heart forever.”
The director of the F.B.I., James B. Comey, spoke during the ceremony, which began shortly after 11 a.m., as did Officer Liu’s father, Wei Tang Liu, who tearfully delivered his remarks.
中午11点过后不久,联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯·B·科米(James B. Comey)在葬礼上致辞。刘警官的父亲刘伟唐(Wei Tang Liu,音译)也含泪致辞。
“No words can express my sadness,” Mr. Liu said, in Chinese. “He called me every day before he finished work, to assure me that he is safe, and to tell me, Dad, I’m coming home today, you can stop worrying now.”
Officer Liu, known as Joe to many of his colleagues in the 84th Precinct where he last worked, came with his parents to the United States from China at the age of 12. An only child, he studied in the city’s public schools. His father worked in a garment factory.
As an adult, Officer Liu was proud of his work in the Police Department, his family said. He enjoyed fishing, they said, and shared what he caught in the waterways in and around the city with relatives and friends.
The funeral was believed to be the city’s first for a Chinese-American officer killed in the line of duty, prompting the increasingly diverse Police Department to draw on its growing knowledge of ceremonial rites and to adapt its own traditions to the desires of the grieving family.
“Now our cops are from everywhere,” Mr. Bratton said in his remarks. “Every police car holds a little bit of this city.”
The formal police ceremony, with its choreography of bagpipes and motorcycles, pallbearers and helicopter flyover, followed a private Chinese ceremony led by Buddhist monks in a smaller room, where offerings were made on Saturday and again on Sunday morning under a photograph of Officer Liu.
Officer Liu’s funeral had been delayed until Sunday so that family members in China could obtain travel documents to come to New York.
In that time, besides a short statement read by his widow, Pei Xia Chen, shortly after the shooting, Officer Liu’s family had made no public statements.
在此期间,除遗孀陈佩霞(Pei Xia Chen)发表过一份简短的声明外,刘文健的家人未再发表公开声明。
But during his funeral, his wife, father and other relatives delivered moving tributes to Officer Liu, describing the love he had for his family and for his badge.
Ms. Chen spoke through tears, standing before a portrait of her husband. “To me, he is my soul mate,” she said. “Wenjian is an incredible husband, son, co-worker and friend. My best friend.”
He took pride in working for the Police Department, she said, and ended by addressing the thousands of officers who offered condolences and support. “I thank you,” she said. “My extended family, my family in blue.”