Flying into New York the other day, I got my first good look at the Freedom Tower, now known as 1 World Trade Center, the skyscraper that sits atop 9/11’s ground zero. It does, indeed, scrape the sky, topping out at a patriotic 1,776 feet. Thirteen years after 9/11, I appreciate the nationalist pride that, while terrorists can knock down our buildings, we can just build them right back up. Take that, Osama bin Laden.
几天前,我做飞机去纽约,第一次好好看了一眼“自由塔”,也就是在9·11事件原爆点的那座摩天大楼,现在叫作“世贸中心1号楼”(1 World Trade Center)。它的确是一座摩天之楼,高度恰好是洋溢着爱国情怀的1776英尺(约合541.3米)。9·11过去13年后的今天,我欣赏这种民族自豪,恐怖分子可以撞倒我们的建筑,我们可以原地再把它们建起来。傻了吧,奥萨玛·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)。
If only the story ended there. Alas, bin Laden really did mess us up, and continues to do so. We’ve erased the ruins of the World Trade Center, but the foreign policy of fear that 9/11 instilled is still very much inside us — too much so. It remains the subtext of so much that we do in the world today, which is why it’s the subtitle of a new book by David Rothkopf, “National Insecurity: American Leadership in an Age of Fear.”
要是故事就这样结束该多好。可惜,本·拉登的确把我们害惨了,至今仍未恢复。我们清理了世贸中心的废墟,但9·11事件催生的恐惧外交政策,在我们心中仍有相当的残留——可以说残留得太多了。我们今天在世界上做的许多事情,潜台词始终还是这种恐惧,这也是为什么它会出现在戴维·罗斯科普夫 (David Rothkopf)的新书《国家无安全:恐惧时代的美国领导》(National Insecurity: American Leadership in an Age of Fear)的副标题里。
Much of the book is an inside look at how foreign policy was made under the two presidents since 9/11. But, in many ways, the real star of the book, the ubershaper of everything, is this “age of fear” that has so warped our institutions and policy priorities. Will it ever go away or will bin Laden be forever that gift that keeps on giving? This is the question I emailed to Rothkopf, the editor of Foreign Policy magazine.
该书用相当篇幅讲述了9·11以来两位总统制定外交政策的内幕。然而,很多方面来讲,这本书的头号明星,凌驾于诸事之上的决定性因素,是“恐惧时代”,我们的制度和政策都完全围绕它来确定什么是当务之急。这样的状况会一直持续下去吗,本·拉登会不会成为一个永远挥之不去的阴影?我在写给《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)杂志主编罗斯科普夫的邮件中提出了这个问题。
“The post-9/11 era will not be seen as a golden age in U.S. foreign policy,” he responded. “Largely, this is because 9/11 was such an emotional blow to the U.S. that it, in an instant, changed our worldview, creating a heightened sense of vulnerability.” In response, “not only did we overstate the threat, we reordered our thinking to make it the central organizing principle in shaping our foreign policy.”
This was a mistake on many levels, Rothkopf insisted: “Not only did it produce the overreaction and excesses of the Bush years, but it also produced the swing in the opposite direction of Obama — who was both seeking to be the un-Bush and yet was afraid of appearing weak on this front himself” — hence doubling down in Afghanistan and re-intervening in Iraq, in part out of fear that if he didn’t, and we got hit with a terrorist attack, he’d be blamed.
Fear of being blamed by the fearful has become a potent force in our politics. We’ve now spent over a decade, Rothkopf added, “reacting to fear, to a very narrow threat, letting it redefine us, and failing to rise as we should to the bigger challenges we face — whether those involved rebuilding at home, the reordering of world power, changing economic models that no longer create jobs and wealth the way they used to” or forging “new international institutions because the old ones are antiquated and dysfunctional.”
To put it another way, he said — and I agree with this — the focus on terrorism, combined with our gotcha politics, has “killed creative thinking” in Washington, let alone anything “aspirational” in our foreign policy. Look at the time and money Republicans forced us to spend debating whether the Benghazi, Libya, consulate attack was a terrorist plot or a spontaneous event — while focusing not a whit on the real issue: what a bipartisan failure our whole removal of Libya’s dictator turned out to be, what we should learn from that and how, maybe, to fix it.
I have sympathy for President Obama having to deal with this mess of a world, where the key threats come from crumbling states that can be managed only by rebuilding them at a huge cost, with uncertain outcomes and dodgy partners. Americans don’t want that job. Yet these disorderly states create openings for low-probability, high-impact terrorism, where the one-in-a-million lucky shot can really hurt us. No president wants to be on duty when that happens either. Yet many more Americans were killed in their cars by deer last year than by terrorists. I don’t think Obama has done that badly navigating all these contradictions. He has done a terrible job explaining what he is doing and connecting his restraint with any larger policy goals at home or abroad.
Argues Gautam Mukunda, a professor at the Harvard Business School and author of “Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter,” our overreliance on fencing, so to speak, since 9/11 has distracted us from building resilience the way we used to, by investing in education, infrastructure, immigration, government-funded research and rules that incentivize risk-taking but prevent recklessness.
著有《不可或缺:领导者真正发挥作用的时候》(Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter)一书的哈佛商学院教授高塔姆·穆昆达(Gautam Mukunda)说,9·11之后我们过于强调把自己围起来(姑且如此形容),以至于我们无法像以往那样,通过投资教育、基础设施、移民、政府资助的研究,以及那些鼓励冒险但劝阻草率的规则,让我们更有韧性。