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If you've got an ear for languages, a knack for coding or a steady hand with a scalpel and don’t faint at the sight of blood then your career looks rewarding and stable – translator, web developer and surgeon have been named as the three best jobs in the UK。


Job search engine Adzuna analysed more than 2,000 job titles to identify these three as the most highly rated positions,thanks to a combination of factors including their high levels of job security, pay and income growth potential。


But at the other end of the scale, miner, courier and builder’s labourer are the bottom-rated roles because of their high-pressure deadlines, long hours and low salaries。


Intriguingly, pilot was rated the sixth-best job overall but the responsibility that comes with taking the passengers’ lives in your hands every time you take the controls meant it was the third most stressful job。


Adzuna used deadlines, competitiveness and physical and emotional risk to rate the most pressurised jobs, giving additional weight to levels of actual physical danger. Taking the heaviest toll on the nerves are working as an oil rigger, doctor, pilot, journalist and fireman。


Not surprisingly in our increasingly wired world, web developer comes out on top as the most promising job after considering factors including promotion potential, income growth and job security. The career also benefits from a lack of competition, employer demand, rising wages and excellent working environments pushing it to the top of the pile。



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