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  • 更新时间:2015-05-28
  • 文件类型:rar 格式
  • 下载次数:21371
  • 资料来源:互联网
  • 资料性质:免费资料
  • 附件说明

  according --- according to sth 根据。。。

  account—sth account for sth 某事解释了某事

  accuse—accuse sb of sth 因为某事指责某人

  accustom—sb be/get accustomed to doing 某人习惯于做。。。


  achieve—achieve success/nothing 取得成功/ 一事无成

  achievement—make achievements 取得成就

  acid—acid rain 酸雨

  act --- act as 充当

  action—take action to do; take an active part in 采取行动做。。。/ 积极参加。。。

  add—add (sth) to spl ; add up to 把。。。加入。。。中 ; 总计达

  addition—in addition to 除。。。之外


  address—live at the address 住在。。。地址上

  adjust—adjust sth to sth 调整。。。到。。。状态

  admit—sb be admitted (in)to spl 某人被允许进入。。。

  adopt—adopt my advice 采纳我的建议

  advance—in advance ; advanced technology 事先 ; 先进的技术

  advantage—take advantage of 利用


  advice—take one’s advice ; a piece advice 采纳某人的意见 ; 一条建议

  advise—advise sb to do/doing that sb (should)do 建议某人做。。。/建议做。。。

  afraid—sb be afraid of sth/to do sth 某人唯恐。。。/某人害怕做。。。

  after—after all; be after; soon after 毕竟 ; 追逐 ; 在。。。之后不久

  against—be against; lean against spl 反对。。。 ; 斜靠在。。。上

  age—at the age of sth 在。。。的年纪时

  agency—travel / news agency 旅行社/新闻社

  agent -= travel agent 旅行代理人

  agree—agree with sb ; agree to sth ; agree on sth ; agree to do sth ; agree that

  同意/适合某人 同意某事 在某事上达成一致 同意做。。。 同意。。。


  ahead of—go ahead ; three days ahead 向前 ; 提前3天

  aid—aid sb with sth; come/go to one’s aid; first aid 用。。帮助某人;来/去帮助某人 ; 急救

  aim—aim at sth/to do sth 瞄准。。。/ 目的在于做。。。

  air—on the air 在电台广播中

  air-conditioner bus 空调车

  alarm --alarm clock 闹钟


  alike – A & B look alike in C A 和B在C方面看上去很像

  alive – a person alive 活着的人

  all --- all the same 依然

  all the time 一直 not all 不是所有的 all over 到处

  first of all 首先 in all 总共 not …. at all 完全不

  allow – allow sb to do 允许某人做。。。 allow doing 允许做。。。

  almost --- almost no 几乎不。。。

  alone ---- let alone sth 更不要说。。。 leave sb alone 把。。。独自留下

  along --- get along well with sb 和。。。友好相处 go straight along 笔直向前走

  aloud --- read sth aloud 朗读。。。

  alternative --- sb have no alternative but to do sth 除了做。。。以外别无选择

  P8 always --- sb be always doing sth 某人总是做。。。

  amaze --- sb be amazed at sth / to do sth / that … 某人对。。。感到震惊

  To one’s amazement , sb do sth 让某人震惊的是,。。。

  amount --- a large amount of + un 大量的。。。

  amuse --- amuse sb with sth 用某事逗笑某人

  analysis --- from the above analysis 从以上的分析来看

  ancient --- ancient buildings / people 古代建筑/ 古人 in ancient times 在古代

  anger --- in anger 发怒地

  P9 angry --- sb be angry at sb / about sth 某人对某人 / 某事生气

  animal --- living / wild animals 生物 / 野生动物

  annoy --- sb be annoyed with sb / about sth 某人对。。。很气恼

  another --- one another 一个另一个 one after another 一个接一个

  another 6 questions 再回答六个问题

  answer – sb answer for sth 某人为。。。负责

  anxious --- sb be anxious about sb 某人为某事焦虑

  sb be anxious for sth 某人渴望某物

  anything --- anything but A 除了A以外的任何东西(就是没有A)


  Apologize --- apologize to sb for sth 因为某事向某人道歉

  Apology --- sb make an apology to sb for sth 因为某事向某人道歉

  Appeal --- appeal to sb for sth 呼吁某人做某事

  Sth appeal to sb = sth attract sb 某事吸引某人

  Appear --- sb appear + a. / to do sth 某人表现出。。。 It appear (a.) that …. 似乎。。。

  Appearance --- judging from one’s appearance 从某人的外表来判断。。。

  Appetite --- sb have / lose appetite for sth 某人拥有/ 丧失对。。。的胃口

  Appliance --- electrical appliances 电器用品

  Apply --- apply to sb for sth向某人申请某物 Apply A to B把A 应用(涂抹)到B 上

  Application --- application form 申请表



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