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  • 软件大小:329kb
  • 资料等级:☆☆☆☆☆
  • 更新时间:2014-05-28
  • 文件类型:rar 格式
  • 下载次数:58892
  • 资料来源:互联网
  • 资料性质:免费资料
  • 附件说明
  The sad deaths of two boys from Chongqing who fell asleep on a railway line after playing for 48 hours non-stop shocked the nation and brought the issue to people’s attention.

  On the other hand, playing computer games can be beneficial to children’s development and to the country.

  China Daily reported that all the high-scoring students in the college entrance exams were also gamers,

  and China’s future success when competing in global markets will depend heavily on young adults who are skilled in using information technology.

  It is not possible to say that the Internet is simply “good” or “bad”,

  but it is a powerful tool that needs to be use with care.

  Liu Huanrong, a volunteer who has helped many teenagers addicted to online gaming,

  believes that the most important thing for today’s youth is to have balance in their lives.

  Miss Liu says that certain games take too long to play and are unsuitable for teenagers.

  She also believes that some children find the pressure of studying too much and turn to games as a way to escape.

  Young people should choose their games wisely and make time for sleep,

  sport, hobbies, friends and family as well as for study.

  If they do so, their lives will be happy, healthy and balanced.



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