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  • 软件大小:31kb
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  • 更新时间:2014-06-26
  • 文件类型:rar 格式
  • 下载次数:7459
  • 资料来源:互联网
  • 资料性质:免费资料
  • 附件说明
  Ⅳ 故事续讲。 根据所给文字续讲故事。

  This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

  I want to find out about music in your country. Are there many concerts? What music do you like listening to ? Do you have favorite singers or players?

  Now please answer your frien's questions in 2min-5min, tell more about in your country.


  Jane is a college student. At the beginning of the new semester,she has to choose subjects. Her favorite subject is history while his parents want her to study business because it's easy to find a job. Jane doesn't know how to do. So she comes to her teacher, Miss Lee. Now, please finish this conversation between Jane and Miss Lee.

  Ⅵ 日常生活问题回答。

  1 Sometimes chickens eat some tiny stones, because() .

  A they can get some minerals from the stones

  B they can't tell the differences between tiny stones and grains.

  C tiny stones can help them digest.

  D they like playing wth stones.

  2 () is caused by the discharge of some chemical waste.

  A Flood B Acid rain C Thunderstorm D Snow

  3 They breathe air with lungs, and they have skin covered with scales and plates. All of them are cold-blooded; they depend on their environment for body heat. They fall into three main groups; squamates, crocodilians and chelonians. What are they?

  A Amphibians B Reptiles C Mammals D Insects

  4 They are the only mammals that can fly. Besides night insects, they also eat fish, frogs, fruit and blood from other mammals. They have only one baby a year. Some of them can eat up to 600 insects an hour and 3,000 in a night. What are they?


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