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  阅读理解专项练习 3 5 篇 1.2007 年 12 月英语六级阅读专项训练(1) Giving Credit Where

  Credit Is Not Due The big identity-theft bust last week was just a taste of what's to

  come. Here's how to protect your good name HERE'S THE SCARY THING about the identity-

  theft ring that the feds cracked last week: there was nothing any of its estimated 40,000

  victims could have done to prevent it from happening. This was an inside job, according

  to court documents. A lowly help-desk worker at Teledata Communications, a software firm

  that helps banks access credit reports online, allegedly stole passwords for those

  reports and sold them to a group of 20 thieves at $60 a pop. That allowed the gang to

  cherry-pick consumers with good credit and apply for all kinds of accounts in their

  names. Cost to the victims: $3 million and rising. Even scarier is that this, the largest

  identity-theft bust to date, is just a drop in the bit bucket. More than 700,000

  Americans have their credit hijacked every year. It's one of crime's biggest growth

  markets. A name, address and Social Security number--which can often be found on the Web

  --is all anybody needs to apply for a bogus line of credit. Credit companies make $1.3

  trillion annually and lose less than 2% of that revenue to fraud, so there's little

  financial incentive for them to make the application process more secure. As it stands




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