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“I was about to leave, but I spotted something crossing the ice”: Photographer’s Drone Captures 3 Adorably Comfy Wild Bobcats


Sure, photographing wildlife has a lot to do with the skills and the equipment you have, but it’s also a matter of timing and luck. After all, you gotta find the wildlife first!


But, every once in a while, people catch a break, and this particular photographer from Duluth, Minnesota was lucky enough to find a pack of bobcats chilling around the St. Louis River. Actually, they were so chill that they didn’t mind the drone snapping pics left and right, the footage of which later went viral online.


It’s not every day that you can stumble upon bobcats chilling in nature


Meet Mike Mayou, Duluth-based photographer and videographer, with whom Bored Panda got in touch for an interview. Mayou liked photography from a young age, and got into DSLR photography within the last 5 years, picking up drone photography and videography along the way.

来认识一下迈克·马尤,他是德卢斯的摄影师和摄像师,Bored Panda联系了他进行采访。Mayou从小就喜欢摄影,在近5年的时间里进入了单反摄影领域,并在此过程中接触到了无人机摄影和摄像。

And Duluth seems like the perfect place to do photography with all of its amazing scenery. So, Mike was out on a photography adventure, as he likes to call it, in hopes of finding a nice area to catch the sunset peeking through the clouds. Well, the sun didn’t end up making an appearance, but a group of bobcats did!


And it’s even rarer to stumble upon 3 of them, like Mike Mayou did on his hike through the wilderness


“I was about to leave after exploring the area around the river, but I happened to spot something crossing the ice. After flying a drone over to investigate, I discovered that there were three bobcats venturing together!” explained Mayou.


He elaborated that it was quite a breathtaking experience, so he turned on his camera for the time he was around them. However, not wanting to disturb them, he spent just a few minutes droning around them and got enough footage to make an everlasting impression on the internet.


Mike initially wanted to get a snap of the sunset, but once his drone went flying, he saw bobcats wandering around


So, he flew in with the drone to get a closer shot of the adorable trio


Surprisingly, the cats were pretty relaxed about a drone flying around, though also curious as cats can be


“I stumbled upon this magical experience, so I was nervous that I might not have captured some of the moments that I saw through the eyes of my drone”


But it turned out extremely well and the pics and video soon went viral on the internet


Image credits: Mike Mayou


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