Fatty liver is currently a common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide and is predicted to have a major impact on the health care requirements of many countries. Fatty liver is currently a common disease, but it does not have many symptoms, usually only detected when you have a routine health check.
The disease is common in people who are overweight, obese, drink a lot of alcohol, diabetics, lipid metabolism disorders. However, the clarification of the mechanism of the disease is still unclear, so there is no specific drug for this disease recognized. Therefore, the method of changing the diet and living activities is recommended by experts.
Diet to improve fatty liver disease
If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver disease, it is important that you proactively aim for early and appropriate treatment, otherwise the condition will progress and your liver function will deteriorate.
Stage 1 and stage 2 fatty liver is not too dangerous, so it will be easier to treat it early. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:
1. Follow a low carbohydrate diet
If excessive carbohydrate intake puts pressure on the liver, the liver converts excess carbohydrates into fat, causing fat accumulation in the liver. Foods rich in carbohydrates also increase blood sugar, increase fat accumulation, thereby causing fatty liver.
Therefore, you need to limit the use of starchy food groups such as potatoes, coarse grains, wheat, ...
Green vegetables and fruits are good liver healing foods. They help cleanse and restore the liver's filter, helping to remove many fats and toxins from the blood. Fruit is healthy for most people, but if you have high blood sugar or insulin resistance, it's best to limit the fruit to 2 servings per day. Add more green vegetables to replace the starches you normally consume.
2. Eat protein with every meal
The liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes of the body, responsible for the synthesis and metabolism of important nutrients including protein. Liver cells will "rebuild" the amino acids found in food so that the body can use it to produce the energy or nutrients it needs to feed the body. Consuming protein at every meal helps keep blood sugar levels stable, helps with weight loss, and reduces hunger and cravings.
Should supplement from 1.2-1.5g protein per kg of body weight per day, this will help heal liver damage, regenerate liver cells.
Example: A person weighing 65 kg needs to consume about 80 - 100g of protein per day.
例如:一个体重65公斤的人每天需要消耗大约80 - 100克蛋白质。
3. Eat the right fats
Control the amount of fat and cholesterol in daily meals so that the amount does not exceed 25% of the total calories in the day.
The sterols and essential fatty acids found in vegetable oils have good lipid-lowering effects, can prevent or eliminate fatty liver condition and is beneficial for the prevention and treatment of fatty liver disease.
4. Avoid large meal sizes
Don't overeat, as this overloads your digestive tract and puts great strain on the liver. Overeating promotes heartburn, reflux and bloating.
However, canned foods are either high in sodium or too high in sugar. In experiments on rats, canned foods can increase the amount of fat in the blood and liver, thereby accumulating fat in the liver and causing fatty liver disease.
5. Alcoholic beverages
Alcohol will be absorbed directly into the bloodstream, causing your liver to filter more. In it, there are many toxic substances that easily damage the liver, cause inflammation and weaken the immune system. For patients who already have fatty liver, if they continue to drink alcohol, it can destroy the liver tissue, accumulate fat in the liver, eventually leading to cirrhosis, even liver cancer.